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"Is that Sivan's baby?" I asked Shyna

"Yeah. It was too late for me to get an abortion so I left for a while. It was supposed to be forever but shit happens."

"So are you working for Raey? What's he gonna do kill me?"

"More like blackmail. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Well I just found out you slept with my ex boyfriend while we were together. If you can do that you can do anything." I said

She just looked down. "What's his name?"


"Everybody's dead. But why did Neil get killed? He didn't do anything."

"Neil was setting Damari up this whole time. He was all about the money, he didn't care about anybody. He was able to work best when you and Mari had split up."

Wow. Wow. Wow. I have to get out of here. I tried to change the subject cause this is beginning to be too much.

"I need a plan B pill. Don't ask why I just need one."

She nodded and left. 2 minutes later she came back with a bottled water and a pill.


A little while later we heard loud thumping from the stairs. Raey busted through the door with a gun in his hand.

"Stay the fuck in here! We got issues!"


"He on 12th and Maple." Sivan said.

We loaded up in our vans, with guns. 20 minutes late we pulled up to some house.

"Y'all let me say a prayer right quit. No funny shit." Sivan said

"Lord, we sending our prayers to you tonight. We ask that you keep us safe and we pray the Santana is okay. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!"


We walked up to the door and kicked it down, shooting everybody in site.

"Kill everybody!" Sivan said

I felt a bullet graze my ear and I fell to the ground. I saw Raey running up the stairs, ignoring the pain I felt, I followed him. He went up to a door and opened it, he yelled something to somebody, so without wasting anytime I shot everywhere.

Not paying attention I shot two people. Noticing that one person was Shyna and the other was... oh no...


"Aye I need some help in here!"

2 boys came to where I was at and carried her to the car. I heard the sound of a baby crying and quickly looked around. I saw a white blanket in the corner of the room and there was a little baby. I grabbed him and ran downstairs yelling.

"Let's go! Burn this place down."

I rushed to the hospital with the baby in my hands.

As soon as I got there, I ran up to the desk.

"Santana Rozae?"

"She's still in surgery."

"Shit! But, I found this baby and I don't know who the parents are."

"Oh, okay. I'll run a few tests and then bring him back." The nurse said taking the baby from me.

A sat down in the waiting room and put my hands in my head. Did I kill her? Is she dead? I'm so paranoid! I should have looked first.

"Sir! The baby you found is Shylnd Watkins, he belongs to Shyna Watkins, we matched blood with a man named Sivan Johnson. Do any of these names sound familiar?"

"Uh, yeah. Thank you so much." I said grabbing the baby and walking away.

I thought she got an abortion though?

3 Hours Later

"Family of Santana Rozae."

I got up and walked over to her.

"Santana was raped twice and beaten badly before the bullet hit her. A few of her ribs are broken. She is currently in a coma and can not be visited for 2 weeks as this might be a possibly homicide if she does not wake" .


Follow me on Instagram: sttanleyyy

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