Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep*

"What!!! it's already Fajr. I need some more sleep ! Ugh" I moaned.
Oh god I was getting so late for fajr but thank God I did not miss it. It's 5 45am and yupiiiiii I have 1hr 30 mins more. So I removed my Jilbaab(Muslims attire) and jumped on my bed again.
***After 1hr 30mins***
"Shafyaaaaaaa wake up ! you are getting late for work. Wake up shafy ! it is your first day at work and u can't be late" I heard this annoying but loving alarm waking me up from my dream.

"Wait mom give me 10 more minutes, I promise ", I exclaimed.

"I won't wake you up again if u get fired on the first day itself don't blame me Ok"
"Ya ya whatever mom" I went to sleep again for 10mins. "Please Allah make this 10mins go really really super slowly"

***After 15mins***

Finally I decided to wake up after long sleeping time and yeaaaah I'm on time. Yes it was me who thought I was not getting late when in fact I was...

"CRAP!!! It's been 15mins. I'm getting so damn LATE! MAMAAAAAA why didn't you wake me up. I said I was only going I sleep for 10 mins and it's 15 mins oh no 16mins" you all are thinking why I'm making a fuss about the "10 more likely 15 mins" well because I'm so slow while applying some makeup here and there. Finally i stopped about complaining and went to the bathroom for only 10 mins and yes I'm not a big fan of bathrooms.

After taking a "Shower" I picked up a long black dress with tiny grey details and grabbed a black and grey hijaab then applied some powder here and there, some mascara and a pale red lipstick which I apply everyday. One of my favourite thing in my make up kit.

After an eternity I finally stepped out of the house and GREAT, the bus is taking all the time to come and take me *Rolls eyes*.

Wow! it was today itself for the bus to sleep on the road. I was so frustrated as I was already getting late and it was my first day to work. I just hope I be there on time.

"Allahu Akbar. Ya Allah please help me reach  the office on time. I don't want to bring a bad image on the first day itself. First impression is the last ! ", I whispered to myself.
Thank you Allah. Just a minute after making a du'a, I saw the bus coming and It felt like the bus was perfect for just "Me myself and I" one of my favourite song.

Great I had almost 20 mins to reach there and Alhumdullilah(Thank God) the bus was driving at the perfect speed.

***After 20mins****

"Masha Allah. This is the best office I have ever seen. Am I really going to work here?" "Well done shafyaa proud of you", I mumbled to myself.

*Office description*
Lots of cabins. Each staff have their own cabins and the boss's  cabin was THE best room out there. In each cabin, there is one office table and an office chair+ book shelf. It was painted White and grey.

It was my first time working in an office. I'm not really thaaaaat smart but by the grace of Allah, I received a degree in accounting and I'll be working as an accountant. My dream as a teenager was seeing myself as a teacher but I guess Allah did not want that.

The first day at work was good. I made myself some friends and They were all my type. The office staff included boys and girls both. I know in Islam it is not allowed but I'll stay in my limits and the boys also are not like others. They respect women fully except for one boy that caught my eyes.

My very first chapter hope u enjoy it.
Who do you think that boy is?What did he do to shafyaa? Keep reading and u will discover it.
I'll try to update tomorrow hope I can get a time to update a new chapter tomorrow about the boy.

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