Chapter 19

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Youseff P.O.V

"Ahhh my fucking head. It's aching so much. What happened?", I woke up with a terrible head ache and my eyes was not opening. I could not remeber what happened. When I opened my eyes, my car was crashed in a tree after some minutes I noticed Shafyaa. She was unconscious next to me. I panicked and did not know what to do.

"Shafyaa Shafyaa wake up! Shafyaaaaa wake up", I yelled but no movement. I checked her pulse and her breath, she was barely breathing. "What do I do? What do I do?", we were in the car and my head was still aching. I tried to remember what happened and then I realized.


Youseff's P.O.V

I was not being able to concentrate. Shafyaa was just next to me and I wanted to kiss her so bad and tell her how much I want her, how much I need her. I was thinking about her although she was next to me.

"Shafyaa are you scared for your first flight",

"I don't know maybe a bit",


I just wanted to start up a conversation with her and see what she thinks about me but I could not. I was not shy or something but was scared what if she rejects me? I would be heartbroken for the first time.

"Shafyaa hmm do you have a boyfriend?",


Am I serious?

"No Why?",

Why did I ask that? Am i serious? She must be thinking why I ask that.

"Huh why did you ask that",

"I'm just asking. General knowledge",

"Oh okay", she replied.

"Shit my phone has fallen",

"Wait I will pick it up for you", Shafyaa suggested.

"No let me pick it up",

"No don't, concentrate on the road",

"Don't worry Shafyaa the route is clear", I said and bent down to pick it up. From the corner of my eyes, I could see how she was fixing my muscles. Well, everyone falls for my sexy ass muscle.

"YOUSEFF WATCH OUT!!!", Shafyaa screamed and turned the steering wheel and boom we crashed in an unknown forest.
Flashback over

"Youseff you have an unconscious girl next to you stop thinking of what happened! Go help her.",

I hold her and she was so beautiful. I could stare at those face forever. She had some bruises on her forehead which caused her,I guess, to faint or maybe she was traumatised.

This girl nah she keeps traumatizing or I kept on traumatizing her? Yes I do tease her a lot that! And shit she is in this situation because of me!
"Stop fucking thinking help her she is in your fucking hand", my conscience kept reproaching me. The forest was completely unknown and I did not know the path either. I laid her down and was about to remove her hijab but then I remembered how she cried when Danny and I saw her without hijab, of course I did not want my eardrum to explode again. I again checked her breath and her breath was deteriorating. All I thought was to give her a mouth to mouth resuscitation. It's not that I wanted to kiss her but this was the only Idea that came in my head. It's not haraam, I just wanted to help her. I gave her 3 times and thank god she coughed. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

Shafyaa P.O.V

What just happened? How did I end up here? Oh shit Youseff just kissed me!!!!!!!! That's so haraam and he is hugging! I'm hugging him too but he kissed me. Whaaaaat! That's too haraam.

"Youseff what the fuck!? Leave me! YOU JUST KISSED ME. That iS SO HARAAM!", I yelled and pushed him.

"I did not kiss you I just gave you a mouth to mouth resuscitation. I saved your life! And you are yelling at me",

"Was that the only way!? I bet there was some other ways!",

He gave me a blank look.

"Were you trying to kiss me?",

"No Shafyaa I am not a pervert! I told you I gave you an adult CPR to save your life! Stop accusing me!",

Is he telling the truth? His face look honest. Should I trust him? No I can't what if he is lying! I feel so embarrassed right now.

"Why are you over reacting? You need to me to save you and all I did was save you! Stop yelling at me. I'm not a pervert. You need me to save your life! So appreciate me OK",

What! What did he say? I can take care of myself. I don't need him to save me. What does he think he is huh superman. Wait why am I talking to myself tell all this straight to his face.

"Listen I don't need anyone to save me Okay! I'm strong enough so don't brag! I did not tell you to save me. I will prove it to you that I don't need anyone Okay. I will take my phone and call someone to rescue me from this forest! I don't need your help",

"Okay if you want! Hah there is no network here. Huh what happened!? Can't save your little body!?",

"Shut up am going!,wait for me! I'm not scared! I'm going to find the network and call someone to save me and your a- I mean you!",

Actually I was a bit scared but I did not want to embarrass myself in front of him. So I took the courage in my hand started to roam. I was scared but I did not show it on my face. After a few minutes I turned around and youseff was not freaking following me.

Youseff P.O.V

Shafyaa was so gorgeous when she was venting on me. I was literally laughing inside. I continued on her because I wanted to see her more angry.

She seem scared when she said she was going to search for network all alone. Of course I could not let her go alone. I followed her and hid when she turned around.

Shafyaa P.O.V

"Oh Allah noooooooooooo save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!", I turned around and started to run and bouff!


Chapter 19 updated...😀

Hope you like the fight😂

Chapter 20 is coming.......

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