Chapter 15

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Shafyaa's P.O.V

I was walking along the corridors to go to Youseff's office as we had to decide, along with Danny, what desigb to do. I did not realize that Danny also was coming in my way as I was concentrating on the designs which were in my hand.

To my great surprise, Danny grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I was like: Hello this is my hand.

"You like moon", he asked

I was wearing a bracelet with moon designs. Actually yes I really admire moon, it has a lot of scars yet it is perfect and we find it very beautiful.

"Um What are you doing? Can you leave my hand",

"I couldn't resist. I have never seen such a beautiful bracelet and girl. I like you",

"Hein What!? What do you mean?",

"I mean I like your style, your attitude and Will you be my friend",

"Um thanks. Can you leave my hand now and can we start working?",

"Oh ya sure sure sorry. After you", he replied and we moved.

Danny P.O.V

"Youseff youseff my buddy. I think I'm in love! And will you help me to have it",

"Nice buddy. Finally you have find your love and who is the lucky girl huh?", Youseff said while taking a sip of water.

"Shafyaa! Yes Shafyaa", I replied and Youseff spat the water on me and looked at me with a confusing face.

Youseff's thoughts

What! What the fuck!? I was right, this guy gonna love Shafyaa! I'm so angry right now. What do I do?

Youseff P.O.V

" but Shafyaa is a muslim and she covers her from head to toe. She is bot your type of girl. You are a Christian and she is a muslim", I kept repeating the same thing and he simply said that she don't care about religion.

I was scared to leave them alone now. Danny was a big flirt and what if he do something wrong with Shafyaa? I know he was my friend but I did not want to trust him.

"Dude I'm gonna make Shafyaa mine",

This sentence he said made me even more angry and I knew he would whatsoever made Shafyaa his and I can't let that happen.

When I entered my office at the afternoon Shafyaa and Danny was both laughing and talking. Danny surely convinced her to become his friend. I was sad seeing both of them like that. Maybe Shafyaa was not made for me.

"Hey buddy Shafyaa and I became friend finally now I can propose her. No girl can refuse me",

"Good", I replied with my eyes down.

"What happen Buddy you are not happy for me",

"Let me tell you one thing Shafyaa is not like other girl so don't try to misbehave with her.",

"Come on Dude! No one has ever refuse me. Shafyaa too won't refuse me I'm telling you.",

I left the office with anger and went to the restroom.

Shafyaa P.O.V

Danny was a very nice man. He was so friendly and so funny. Danny and I became friend and I was so happy to be his friend, After all, in this big I was alone until Danny came and accompanied me in the office renovation.

He was so funny and caring and he wanted to take me for lunch. I did not refuse him as he seems to be a nice guy. So friendly and caring. He had cute dimples and I must say sexy beard but not as sexy as Youseff's. What! Ok it's a fact I'm just not lying duh.

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