Chapter 18

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Shafyaa P.O.V

"Oooooooooh my Allah, it's already Monday and today we are going on California and for the first time I'm travelling that too alone with a guy not only a random guy but my CRUSH.  Sister help me! I'm nervous! What should I do if I get goosebumps all the time!? Help me! I'm nervous! What if I do something wrong and he got to know that I love him! What if I accidentally tell him what I feel for him!? What if I lose my balance and lean on him!? What if i-", before completing my sentence my sister slapped me and told me to breath in a good amount of air.

"Shafyaa relax and stop talking! Gosh you are talking non stop. I bet he has some feeling too for you because the way you narrate me your moment and his moment at the office and the way he hugged you, I'm sure he too must have felt something at that time. And for GOD SAKE relax and talk slowly and lower your volume mom will hear you. Wait! What if what I said is true? What would you do?",

"And what did you say?",

"What if he had feeling for you too?",

"Come on you are kidding. Look at him, rich,handsome,hot, intelligent and look at me! I look like a potato",

" *slaps me* you are not like a potato! You are gorgeous, sexy I believe we are not that rich but money says nothing. Let me tell you, you are truly a great person and a straight lady",

" Pinch me please *pinches me* ouch",

"What was that for?",

"My sister is praising me. She is saying I'm gorgeous, she is saying I'm great",

"Oh come on *rolls her eyes* I'm just stating the facts. Hey don't fly high ok for me you are a potato! And a dumbass bitch",

"Whatever! Hey are u sure I'm gorgeous? Just tell me the truth",

"Yes gurl stop irritating me now and pack your luggage",

After a long and funny conversation with my sister, I started packing my luggage. I was scared, nervous, happy and sad, I had a mixture of emotion inside me. I was just wondering how the trip would go. Youseff told me to be ready at 6pm as our flight is on 8pm.

"Mom and dad I'm going to miss you *sob* sis you too and Monkey I'm gonna miss our fights",

"Don't be so dramatic, you gonna return in one month gurl and I will fight with ya again", My bro winked at me and hugged me. Hell YA I'm going to miss them all.

It was the first time I'm leaving my family for one whole month.  We all sobbed and Youseff came at my place to help me with the luggage. His car was park in front of his house which is next to me. So I went there and my eyes was red obviously I just cried.

We entered the car and I waved my parent a final time. I was so sad leaving them all.

"So it's your first time going abroad", Youseff asked.

"Yes and I'm scared of the flight",

"Don't worry Shafyaa there's nothing to be scared of",

I did not know what to reply except with a "Hmm" I was nervous talking to him all I wanted was to arrive at the airport as fast as possible.

Youseff P.O.V

I wanted to stay with her a bit more so I took the longest route but I did not really know the streets well. I had to follow the signs. Our flight was at 8pm so I drove slowly. I can see how nervous she was with me a random guy but it would be fun to tease her.

"What can I do to tease her?", I thought with a smirk on my face. She was not wearing her seatbelt so I thought of an heart beating idea.

I went near her almost in her. I stared at her in the eyes, she was flat on the seat looking at me with sweat on her forehead. I grabbed the seatbelt and said, note I was still almost on her, my nose was nearly touching hers. I said:" Better put you seatbelt if you want to arrive safe", and winked at her and she got a hiccup which I found real cute and sexy.

I went back to my seat and she was traumatize. I just wanted to laugh out loud but I swallowed it and kept it for my heart. The evilness in my head was also laughing. I was thinking of another idea but I felt a bit I repeat a bit sorry for her but I was really enjoying her plight yes I know Imma a badass.

Her hiccups was so cute and funny and sexy, I offered her my water and she was like: "Nah I won't drink your water maybe you have add drug in it so that I become unconscious", she did not say it but the expression on her face said it all.

"No thanks. I have my water",

Shafyaa P.O.V

What the fuck just happened? Shafyaa you are such a shit! What did you need to be shy and traumatise? Can't you see, he is doing all this to tease you. You said you won't be shy in front of him and what now?

When he, I must say, crawled on me, I was literally sweating from everywhere. He was so handsome! His jawline could definitely cut my face. He had such a define jawline and bone cheek. Am I praising him too much? Yes I am praising him! but he is like this.

The route was long and there was lot of signs everywhere. It was dark everywhere and the most scariest part was that we were all alone on the street and was surrounded by trees both sides. I never travelled from this route before.

I took out my bread and started to eat. I was so hungry. An could not stop myself from crunching my delicious bread filled with mashed potatoes.

After my so called dinner. I decide to go take a little nap as the drive was so long. I laid my head on the seat and closed my eyes.

Youseff P.O.V

No way! I can't let her sleep. I want to talk to her! How can I do?

I turned in her direction and hell she was cute! She looked like a baby while sleeping. So gorgeous.

*Drang Drang*

"What the hell!?", she woke up and yelled.

"I'm sorry. It's my phone",

"Gosh this is annoying. I was trying to get some sleep. Put your phone on silence",

"I said I'm sorry! Stop complaining",

Oopss  and it was a wrong number and thank god it rang! Shafyaa woke up and I have got to have a little fight with her. Great my phone had to be blocked at this moment. I tapped my phone and it fell.

"Shit my phone!",

I bent down to pick it up. Shafyaa said she would pick it up. She wanted me to concentrate on the road but the road was clear. So I bent to pick it up myself.

"YOUSEFF WATCH OUT!!!!!!!", she screamed.


Chapter 18....... hope u enjoyed it


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