Chapter 24

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Shafyaa P.O.V

We finally arrived at the hotel and I was still in the car. Yes we are at the hotel but how will I walk till the room everyone will notice that I GOT MY PERIOD!!!!!

"We arrived Shafyaa. Why are you still in the car?",

"Huh Yeah go on am coming",

"Okaay... Hey you sure you are okay?",

He asked me and I wanted to scream by saying: No I am not fucking okay! I got my period dude!. But I didn't.

Should I tell him to help me reach up?

No I can't it's embarrassing

But how will you go upstairs with your dress red! I guess you should tell him. He will help you don't worry. Trust him.

Yes I guessed I should tell him to help me. Oh god total embarrassment.

"Umm Hey Youseff", I called him and he turned.


"Can you help me?",

"Yes what happened?", he said and came near the car where I was still sitting like an idiot.

"Umm I accidentally dropped some ketchup on me. I need you to help me reach upstairs without anyone noticing",

What!? What the fuck? Ketchup? On your butt? Are you serious right now!

"Ketchup? But I don't see any ketchup on you",

Well done Shafyaa. A huge round of applause for my lie. Nice now what will you reply",

"Hmm actually Hmm please don't ask question just cover my ba-back", I said and he looked at me with a confusing face.

"Okay stand up",

Oh god 'stand up' Ya Allah help me.

Youseff P.O.V

What's up with Shafyaa she is acting weird. Ketchup? I don't see any ketchup. I wonder what is going on.

Oh now I understand! Oh no she stood up and I saw blood on her dress. I came to know that it is 'the time of the month' for her. Poor Baby, she is so helpless.

It's something natural. I am so ready to help her. I stood behind her very close and I place my hand on the shoulder.

She froze for a second and her head rose up. She stood in front of me like a tiny beautiful rose.

"Let's go", I whispered in her ears and she said

"Huh ye-yes",

We walked together till our room.

"Tha-anks", she said and ran into the room.
I stood outside and closed the door.
After a few minutes, she came outside the room and looked at me.

"Thank you very much Youseff. You are truly a nice guy", she said and smiled at me.

"Welcome Shafyaa and it is not something to be ashamed ot embarrassed off, okay? It is totally natural, okay?",


Shafyaa P.O.V

Youseff is truly a nice guy I thought he would be disgusted but thank god he did turned out to be narrow minded.

You are loving him more Shafyaa

Yes maybe I am loving him but I dont know if he feel the same as I am.

Crush Next Door[Completed And Editing] Where stories live. Discover now