chapter 4

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Rudy P.O.V
     I know i lied to Shafyaa about the "Practicing on you".
Actually I don't have any girlfriend and I bought this ring and brought her to the garden because I wanted to propose her and make her mine. But she don't love me and rejected me so I had to make as if I was joking. It's totally OK! I understand she can't be with a guy she don't love but it actually kind off broke my heart but it's Okay I'm fine!

"No you are not fine", A voice in my head vocalized.

I will ignore her in the Office and I just hope she did not realise that I was seriously serious about the proposal. She is a very nice and beautiful girl. I really love her even though she is muslim. 
          ....9 30...
"For the first time I guess I'm getting sleepy. Woooo miracle do happen Man", I went to bed early that day I was not satisfied and the day was not a great one for me but I can't blame anyone. No one is at fault.
"Imma go sleeping now dude", talked to myself....

              __At Shafyaa's house__
"Why are my parents so serious? Is there any problem?hope they didn't see me with Rudy?", I was so tensed.Didn't know what was happening. Were there something serious? I acted normal and went to the living room where my parents were discussing about something.
      *took a deep breath*
"Hey mom and dad what's up? Why are your faces look like potatoes?", I giggled but they did not so I was kind off embarrassed hihi.
      *While taking a biscuit*
  ***crunch crunch***
"OK, will someone tell me what is the fuc- Umm the matter", Wohoho I was about to say that word thank God I realised before uttering it.

         "Shafyaa we know you have just settled in your new job and has already make friends and you are fully close to them and you love this job but there is a slight problem for you and for us too",  Mom said

Oh my Allah why is she beating around the Bush spill it out gurl.
"OK let me come to the point. We must shift to another house and it will be far from your job and woefully you must fetch another job from the new area we are going to stay. Don't you worry I have already fixed a job for you but you must take bus to go" dad discussed

"Wait what!!! Dad how can you search a job for me and why are we moving to another house ",the confused Shafyaa aka me was still in a state of shock.

"You remember our landlord, unfortunately she died and his daughter, Pretty not pretty but fully arrogant is the new landlady and she hates Muslims so she asked us to search for a new house in maximum 2 weeks. And we were totally helpless but to agree on what she said and fortunately we've got a house which is affordable for us to buy. You see if she didn't OUST us from the house we would have never discovered about the house. There is always an advantage in a disadvantage. Allah will never leave us helpless", mom had perfectly reason on that Point but what about my job.

Dad said he searched for another job exactly like that I just hope he was not lying just to make me relief.

      I went to sleep without saying any further word. The day was totally an ugly one. First with Rudy and now with the freaking landlady.

I was not able to sleep well as I was repeatedly thinking about how my new job would be. How am I going to resign? Hope my boss agree?. Finally while thinking and thinking and thinking I fell asleep with all the thoughts dancing in my mind.

    *next Morning*

I woke up and put on my dress etcetera and without eating I went out of the house and went to work. I was not angry with my mom or parents or Someone else No, it's just that I was worried about the resignation.  I was getting late as always but
when I entered the office I was Shocked

"SUPRISE", every staff screamed even the Mr Mancuso, you remember, my boss

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"SUPRISE", every staff screamed even the Mr Mancuso, you remember, my boss.

"Don't worry shafyaa, I know about your situation. Your father called me and narrated everything to me", my boss told me and I was relief and was happy-sad on seeing Maria Hannah wiping their tears and Sofia gave me a freaking tight hug and I was feeling my stomach coming out of my mouth.

But Rudy was peeping at me. Allah knows why he was behaving like that but I didn't really pay attention because I know about the reason why he was behaving like that.

    My boss was truly the best person I have ever seen and my father too he made me soooo happy and made me stress free. Now the only thing bothering me was

"how will be my new job?" I thought

Half of the day was spent celebrating my "final adieu" to the office and I was sad for my friends. Honestly for the 1 month working with them I really became very close to them. Was feeling so bad to leave them but my family comes first I can't argue with them I mean it's not their fault.

     *After Office hours*

"Shafyaa you remember when I proposed you claiming I was practicing one you" is he serious it was yesterday the incident happened how can I forget.

"Well, I was actually proposing you I really love you. You are a very nice girl. I did not want to tell you but I can't leave you in dark else you will always think I was joking",

     I knew he was not joking because he was serious! I just knew ! I'm so smart ! What happened happened can't change my decision.

"Rudy it's OK, we can still be friends. I will always remember you though. You are the first to propose me how can I forget you",  we both giggled.

      I went home with a good mood my last day at office was damn good and the biggest breaking news is that I will be staying at home for 2 weeks until we shift to the other house. But honestly I hate the landlady.

  I thanked my father for what he had done and we waited for tomorrow to start packing our bags to move to another house.
I jumped in my PJs and went to sleep with a good mood thinking tomorrow I'm not going to work not only tomorrow but for 2 or until we move to the other house it depends on how much days it will take.
Hey beautiful people do vote so I can update another chapter. This chapter is not the best but I'll update one more interesting for sure.

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