Chapter 21

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Shafyaa P.O.V

    Yes I did not return at home even after such incident. Ewww Disgusting. I still remember his bo...

Yuck Asthagfirullah Shafyaa stop thinking about this incident for god sake!

A shiver ran through my spine thinking about the incident. That was the most embarrassing moment in my life! Umm I guess... Hope something worst doesn't occur. Fingers cross. I mean with Youseff I will always have to bear embarrassing situation

Only embarrassing or romantic moment too huh huh...

We arrived at the hotel in less than 1 hour and I was expecting a huge 5 stars hotel with a lot of decoration and well groomed staff and my expectations turned into reality.

We entered the hotel and giiiirl I bet only billionaires are allowed to come in this hotel. Everyone was wearing expensive clothes as if they were going to a wedding, big jewels, high heels, make up and I wonder why their were a lot if decorations and

Whaaaat! A wedding in a five stars hotel! The girl must be very lucky! Masha Allah... Oh that is why everyone was wearing heavy clothes! Oh oh do I look like a potato? I barely have make up on my face! I'm for sure looking very messy right now! Youseff oh god I want to kick him so bad! Why didn't he tell me about a wedding in the hotel....

"Hello why are you staring at me as if u want to kick me?",

Huh how did he know I want to kick him? Is it written on my face! By the way I want to kick you ass hole!

"Why didn't you tell me about the wedding!?", I said gritting my teeth.

"Because I forgot",

What the hell!? Such a simple answer!

"And the wedding had not yet started. In fact the wedding is tonight. The guests are just preparing themselves for tonight. It's a friend of mine who is getting married and don't worry your dress will be delivered in your room and a make-up artist will come and do your face.",

"What? You bought me a dress?",

Ouuuu that is actually romantic. Hihi! What? No! That is not romantic at all! What does he think? You can't buy your own dress!?

"I mean WHAT YOU BOUGHT ME A DRESS? I can buy my own dress! I don't need your favour! Understand? And I can do my own makeup I don't need a damn make up artist! If you had told me I would have bought my own dress! In addition I won't come with you tonight as it is your friend getting married not mine. I won't have anything to do at the wedding. Please go by your own self. I have come here to work not to attend a wedding. I won't stay with you for more than 1 week. I told my mom that I-" he pushed me against the wall and place his finger on my lips and finally after such a long speech I took a deep breath.

Youseff P.O.V

"Shhhhh.... how can someone talk too much? Why do you keep on complaining like that? Why do you always have a problem? When I tease you, that is a problem. When I am trying to be kind, that is a problem. You always have an answer to all.",

"Uh I'm-", she tried to talk nervously but she was staring at me not knowing what to say. Those beautiful big eyes staring at me and the heavy breath I felt on my hand and the spongy lips I touched was for sure 3 priceless things in life.

"You are coming tonight and that is my final decision!", I said my final decision and she came out of her thoughts.

"What? No. Who are you to order me? I     AM     NOT     coming with you tonight. And that is my final decision.", she said and was making her way out to the reception but I grab her and pulled her again against the wall.

"You are making me angry now! You are my Secretary and it is a part of your job to come with me everywhere! And the reason I'm insisting on you to come with me is that I have to tell you something very important.", I said and the important thing I was going to tell her was that.....

How much I love her and want to have a chance with her. Yes I am going tonight. I just hope everything goes perfectly perfect. When I say I love her , I truly mean it!

Guess I have to be a little more harsh on her, right? Yes right!

"And if you do not come you are fired!", I whisper-yell in her ears and I bet she was swearing at me in heart. The look she gave me god if look could kill I would be dreaming about her in heaven... or hell? I don't know....

Shafyaa P.O.V

What does he think he is huh!? The ruler of this planet! How irritating he is!
And cute too.

No he is not cute!

Yes he is! 

No he is not!

Yes he is!

Grrrrrr the hell!

And yes why do I care about the wedding? I'm going to go, eat till I am fully full, drink a lot of fizzy drink and won't give a damn about Youseff!
It doesn't matter if he is here or not I will mind my way and he will mind his way!

It does matter

It doesn't

It does


yes it does!

Grrrrrrrrrr the hell man!

Yep an argument between my mind and heart. My love story is a complicated one for sure. Well I still do love him and it was confirmed! He is tooooo cute, intelligent, handsome, dashing everything but a number one pervert! I just hope he only tease me like that not other girl!

Jealous huh?

Yes I am jealous!

   And also yes I talk to myself sometime.

I was having terrible mood swings and I was frustrated as ever! I was just hoping it was not 'that time of the month' because I was not at home! But luck did not favour me I literally got my period the day after the wedding. And I had to bear terrible embarrassing moment with Youseff! God help me and Asthagfirullah.


Chapter 21
It is a boring and short chapter. I was not suppose to write now because my exams is approaching and I have my oral english examination on 3rd October.

I was receiving too many updates requests on and I am sooooooo happy about it that you all love my story. Let me remind you again
I am just a beginner so please kindly tell me if my story contains a lot of mistakes.

Thank you and I hope this chapter is enough and I am so sorry I won't update but please stay tune the next chapter is going to be awesome "The Wedding" and Shafyaa's period😂😂😂

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