chapter 8

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"Bye mom I'm going", I left the house straight to the bus stop and I was all alone on the bus stop how scary. The street  I lived was so calm and not so crowded. I stood there waiting for a bus to come but as you know buses take all their time they want. ugh.

After 3 mins of standing, I saw 3 guys approaching me with dirty evil face and their intention reflecting on their face.

"Ya Allah why are they coming towards me", I murmured. I took out my phone and pretended to be on my phone and they stopped.

But my freaking phone rang and my whole body was vibrating. Shit Man embarrassing moment. And the 3 lizard crawling towards me. ugh.

I pretended to be courageous and stood there and they were still approaching me. "Hey Mommy remove your scarf and lemme see sexy, your sexy hair", one of the lizards said. Whaaaat! do I look like a mom to him? am I that old? boooooiiiii I am only 22 years old.

I cleared my throat and "Hey mister keep your distance else I'm uh-",I succeeded in telling him the sentence without cracking.

"Else you gonna do what babe? Punch me? Alright at least I will get an idea about you strengh", they all laughed. What was so funny about it.

The lizard approached me and I was baaaf my butt was kissing the wall.

I stood there freezed and the only idea I got was take my hand back and hit it in his Euhm Euhm and I did the same and ran and forgot about the two baby lizard standing behind their father. One of them grabbed me and pushed me back where my butt and the wall was making out. I did the biggest mistake of my life and no bus was coming what the FUCK.

"You are playing hard to get. I was being polite with you now I'm gonna use force", he yelled.

Was he being polite? For me he was using force on me how much force will he use now ?

They grabbed me and took me behind the bus stop and I was screaming but they blocked my mouth and they started touching me every freaking where and I  was  crying and praying for help.

I closed my eyes. I was being MOLESTED what the Freak!!!!
I closed my eyes and heard puncing sound and heard new cuss words I have never heard before.

I opened my eyes and saw the man who ruined my dress yesterday I was not in my senses. I was traumatized and I ran and hugged him and released him after 1 min.

"Umm I'm so sorry I did not meant to hug you I was uh-", I know it's haraam to hug a man but I was not myself.

"Shhh It's okay. I can understand come in my car I will drop you home",he replied back and when I huggd him, I felt something weird as if I'm hugging my love one I was soo comfortable in his arm.

"No! Don't drop me home! I am fine I can go to work I'm fine. Don't tell anyone about this incident", I uttered.

"Hm Ok come in my car I will drop you at work",he offered.

"I'm going to St.Pierre street",I said almost whispering.

"Oh great I'm going there too I will drop you don't worry", He said.

*****inside the car****

"Umm drink some water and calm down", he said offering his water.

"No thanks I will drink my water",

"Well I am Youseff Sayed, the CEO of Rogers group company", he said trying to start a conversation and I spat my water all over his car.

"What happened?", he questioned.

"Nothing I'm just Umm Nothing let me clean the mess", I proposed.

"Umm okaay if you want",

  While cleaning the mess I found a picture of him and I was Shocked I found a picture of him in high school and I was right.

"he is Youseff my high school crush oh mah GOSH I'm sitting next to my crush that too in his-his-his CAAAAAR and he lives next DOOR",a voice in my head screamed.

I was getting goosebumps all over my body "Asthagfirullah shafyaa stop all this", I murmured.

"Were you at St.maryse justin high school?",what a stupid question shafyaa you already know the truth.

"Yes and you are Shafyaa Bibi Myra", whaaaat he knows my name I'm dead!

"Ya how do you know?", I asked

"My mom told me she is your mother's friend",

"I work here at Rogers group company",

"Really I did not know well good for you", he said

Yes he was working in the same company as me and he was the CEO. In high school I loved him soooooo much and I never knew I would meet him again after 5 years. I guess Allah wanted it to.

I entered my cabin and started thinking about the days in high school the good old days. The funny thing is that I rarely talked to Youseff I was too shy to,even though we were in the same class.

He was the attention of the class. Every girl fell in love with him and they told him and sadly they got rejected. He would date only rich and sexy girls. He was not a bully thank God but he loved teasing girls and I'm sure he knew I had a crush on him because of my behaviour.

I used to always stammer when he talked to me and he always smirked. I was a shy girl but now I am not! Well... hihi

"Hey shafyaa. How are you doing today?", kenza came and interrupted my day dream.

"Hey Kenza I'm good. How are you?"

"Fine thanks. I've heard you came with Mr Sayed huh euhm euhm", she teased.

"Ya umm long story", I said.

"Anyway here are all the papers and documents. You have to check the papers within 3 hours. Mr sayed need them.",kenza said and I started working on it and thankfully finished it on time.

I went to Youseff's office and found him with........

Chapter 8 updated
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Chapter 9 coming soon
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