chapter 9

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Finally all my works were done and I was nervous and shy to go in his office, after all he was my crush. I was taking steps back in front of his door but I confronted the reality and went to his office and he was with a.... he was holding a... an Adult magazine Asthagfirullah.

"Hey Shafyaa come in", he said while still holding the magazine he has no shame ! at least he could have hid it but it was something normal for him I guess.

"Umm Yes sir I-I- finished all the works", I said while looking at the magazine. My eyes was automatically going towardS the magazine and he noticed it. Shame on ME !

Youseff P.O.V
Shafyaa was looking at the magazine with disgust. It was so fun looking at her like that. She seems interesting to tease.

"Shafyaa what are you looking?", I asked teasing her. I know she was looking at it but I wanted to see her shy.

"Um Me No. I was um sir are your papers", she said with cracking voice. She was so funny. It was so good teasing her.

"Shafyaa are you looking at the adult magazine. Are you feeling shy? Have you ever gone through such Magazine. I'm a boy it's obvious I would see these things", I said and she was turning red and I was on the point to laugh my lungs out.

Shafyaa's thoughts
What the hell! What a ridiculous question! Is he serious right now?
Of course I have never touch something like that. Is he even a muslim? Of course he is but he is holding something haraam. He is a savage I'm sure and he is the type of guy that mend everything on his way. Wait! He is my crush. How can I love someone like that? Wait is he really that kind of guy? He was so nice in the car and he rescued me from those three lizards maybe I am being too judgmental. But what if he is really like that? Wait! Do I still love him? Is he still my crush?

Oh God such confusion.Confusions everywhere. Lots of unanswered questions. I don't know if I still love him or not.

"Um sir I'm go-going", I stammered and walked straight to the door.

I entered my cabin and sat on my chair, working on my laptop, day dreaming etc...
It was about 4 o'clock and 1 more hour to go.

Youseff 's thoughts
Shafyaa saw me looking at the magazine and her reaction was priceless. I'm sure she thinks I'm a pervert but I'm not. I just love girls and Shafyaa is a nice and beautiful girl. She was always cute since high school. When she hugged me I felt something, I just can't figure out what but I felt something. I was feeling so comfortable in her arms I have hug a lot of girls to be honest but this was indeed the sexi- I mean the most loyal hug.

Youseff P.O.V
"Hey babe what's good" Kenza came, kissed me and removed me from my thoughts.

Kenza and I are dating for the passed 3 months. I was not after her, she was after me so I gave it a try. I don't love her in fact I have never been in love with someone I just date them. I've always been scared of commitments, or I'm committed to only one thing, My company.

This was how it works for me but I never knew I would find my true love.

"Hey kenza", I replied and I was really not in the mood of romance but she was sitting on my lap and kissing me so I did  the same. I kissed her wildly till she was short of breath. Kenza was a sexy girlfriend while kissing her I don't know what got into me, I saw shafyaa's face in kenza's face and I bit her.

"Ouch Youseff what the fuck! It hurts", she complained.

"I'm sorry shaf- I mean kenza I was being too wild I guess", I said and smirked to tease her and to calm her.

Shafyaa's P.O.V
What the hell! He was kissing kenza so passionately in front of my eyes! I mean I was walking along the corridor and  accidentally heard moans from his office and saw him and kenza kissing.

I never knew kenza and Youseff had something. I thought Youseff was single he looked too innocent from outside but 'never judge a book by its cover'.

Unfortunately Youseff came out like other boys I guess. Do I still love him? This question kept turning around in my head. I was not sure about My love for him but..... Oh god whatever.

"What is the point of loving him when I know he will never be mine?

I guess I will forget all the love for now and concentrate on my work. If Allah want us to be together then we will see but I don't think so and why would he love me? He surely gonna love sexy girls. Oh god! Let me forget him and continue my life easily.", I talked to myself like a lunatic girl.

Finally time to go homeeeeeeee.
I went to the bus stop waiting for the bus to come. I was a bit scared because of the morning incident. By Allah's grace everything went well and I went home safe and sound.

Youseff P.O.V

I went behind Shafyaa but it was too late,she had already left the building. I myself did not know why I was following her. I took kenza and we went to her home. Her parents were out of town and She was alone at home. We went to her house to spend some quality time euhm euhm but I could not stop thinking about Shafyaa. She was not that type of girl and I was sure she had never been in a relationship. She was always a shy girl since high school.

Shafyaa's P.O.V

"Sis sis sis come in my room I've got something to tell you. You remember the handsome back, right? He is my high school crush and he is the CEO of the company I work.",
"No way you are joking! What a chance! You see your crush everyday bruh.",
"Yes but he loves someone else and he is like other boy. You know what?",
"What? What happened? He was holding an Adult Magazine and he was kissing a girl",
"Really! Ewwwwww Shafyaa", My sister said in disgust.
"*yawn* Shafyaa I'm going to sleep now shafyaa. I'm feeling so sleepy", my sister said and went to sleep.

I also went to sleep and tried to forget him.....

This chapter is a bit weird.
Hope you like it💙
Plz vote😊
And message me some ideas 'cause I'm running out of ideas😥

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