chapter 2

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The guy that caught my eyes was a tall, grass green eyes, well shape muscular body,perfect jawline and perfect teeth unlike mine Haha! Yes I don't really admire my teeth, anyways, the guy was Masha Allah very handsome Asthagfirullah but I find him a little bit weird I don't know why but he was.
When I entered the office the next morning after the same routine, picked a dress and a hijaab etcetera, Rudy, the "Weird guy" stared at me as if I did something terribly bad. Rudy was not muslim but I find him hot with that grass green eyes staring at me Asthagfirullah.
I kind off ignored the "eyes fixed on me" and headed to my cabin.

"Ya Allah that much of work",

"Shafyaa" a voice behind me said. "I have put all the paper work on your table for you to do as per as your certificate, you are capable of doing these works and don't make me upset. I need it for the day after", said Mr Mancuso, my boss.

For me that was a big big task to handle but Allah will help me. There were 5 documents containing the net profit and number of assets etcetera and I had to prepare a statement of financial position for last year.
I jumped on my office chair and straight up to the first document.

***3 hours later***

Finally 3 documents were done and it was lunch time. Me and my new friends had made a plan for lunch. Fortunately we had 1hr30minutes for lunch time so Sofia,Maria,Hannah and Rudy the weirdo, they were all my friends including Rudy also headed to a small restaurant nearby the office to have lunch.

"The food here is not halaal. We are sorry dear ", a waiter said.
Thank God I had a big bread in my bag. But poor Sofia, she is muslim too and she did not have food.
"Sofia, do you want me to give you half of my bread. Oh gosh I know you will say no. Here is half of my bread",

"Thank you soooooooo much shafyaa. You're so kind"
"Mention not Sofia. I know I'm kind. Tell me something I don't know"
After 3 seconds we both giggled

Hannah, Maria and Rudy ordered their food. Maria has taken salad. Eiwww salad is not my thing. I prefer unhealthy food. And Hannah ordered a big burger with bacon.
I was sitting in front of Rudy and Rudy in front of me. Gosh he was so awkward. Every time I took a bite he looked at me. I was feeling so uneasy.

why does he look at me like that? I'm not that beautiful and also I'm a muslim and he was suppose to think I'm a terrorist which everyone else thought I was, except for Hannah and Maria they didn't have such narrow mind like others. *lost in my thoughts*

"Hurry up guys. Are you done? I think we should move now. It's 1 15pm! We have 15 minutes to arrive to the office" Hannah screamed.
Hannah was such a funny girl. She used to live in China before as her mother is Chinese and her father, an American. So she is half Chinese too. She has pale skin colour, completely brown eyes, thin pink lips and was a bit fat. She likes fast food unlike Maria who takes good care of her beauty and body and thinks she is the most beautiful girl on earth. She is indeed really beautiful. She has fair skin colour,icy blue eyes,full lips and short hair. I guess she was one popular girl as many boys were roaming around her like bees surrounding honey. The most beautiful thing about her is she is not at all arrogant and never praises her beauty.

After a long conversation we finally decided to enter the office and "oh no not again. I have to face all the work and papers which was laughing at me", I mumbled.

Succeeded in writing a new chapter.
Excuse me if there are mistakes in the chapter.
Enjoy the chapter and help me in writing a new one.

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