Chapter 11

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Youseff P.O.V

"Shafyaa Do you really love me?",
"Yes I do", she replied and I pushed her against the wall. I stared at her eyes. We made eye contact then I broke it by looking at her lips. I tried to kiss her but she moved. I grabbed her hand and placed her back to the wall. I caressed her cheeks and she placed her hand around my neck. I whispered. "You have nice full lips", she beamed shyly and I brought my lips closer to her. We are about to kiss when
"Babe Wake up. We are getting late", a voice said and kissed my lips.

I jumped out of my bed and it was Kenza. I was having such a great dream about me and wait what!? About me and Shafyaa. How can I dream about her and that too in a romantic pose. That is romantically weird. Honestly I barely dream about girls I mean I dream about them but not in such a respectable way.
How I hate it when someone comes between my sleep and I.
I stayed calm. I did not fuss with her because I did not want to start my morning with a fight.
I was still thinking about the dream and whenever I think about Shafyaa, my lips release an automatic smile.

I was sure I fell for her after this dream. This had never happened before. Usually girls would fall for me and I become their boyfriend but I was never serious. They were just time pass. I felt sorry for Kenza but I never loved her truly. Maybe my love for Shafyaa was just like others. Thinking of these things gave me headaches.

Let me describe Kenza and I's relationship: We are surely not like other couples. She is a modern girl and I never interrupt her from doing her things and she also never tell me what to do. We are not sure if we are serious. We never gets romantic like other couples. We do get sexually active several time but I never felt an inner satisfaction.

"Babe let's go. I'm done", kenza interrupted me from my thoughts and we went in the car.

While driving I was smiling alone thinking about Shafyaa. Now it was confirmed I felt something for her. There was something in her that attracted me. Let me tell you if I fell for a girl there must have been something special and unique about her.

Mr.Youseff Sayed don't fall for ordinary girls.

"Babe how was your day yesterday without me.", Kenza asked.
I said:"huh. I was missing you.", Obviously I lied to her. If I had told her about the kind off romantic scene between me and Shafyaa, she would have started a fight and as I have said before I was not in the mood to fight.

I woke up with a smirk on my face because of the dream so I just wanted to keep it good. I just could not wait to meet Shafyaa and I was not afraid to let her know that I love her but it was too early. I just wanted to tease her you know.

Shafyaa P.O.V

"Great!, it is 9 30am and Youseff my boss has not yet come. I'm sure he is still sleeping and I am breaking my ass here to work for him. Gosh that is so irritating but what can I do? It is my job.", I said to myself and as I said that the black matte ferrari stopped, Youseff and kenza came out holding hand. I was jealous after all he WAS my crush.

"Is he still my crush? Ok stop thinking about these stupid question he can't be your crush. He is a pervert and shameless person."two voices was fighting in my head. I was still a baby in high school. I did not know what love is that is why maybe I fell for him. Let me clear your confusion. He was the hottest fellow in high school and "still is", Shafyaa stooooooooooooop.

Kenza went upstairs and every staff stood up to greet him and I was shocked the way he greeted female staff member. I never saw him greet anyone before as he was always late and I usually stayed in my cabin but for the first time he was a bit "early" and I was still downstairs.

He greeted the man like in a respectful way, shaking hands but for the female he smacked their butt and the girls just laugh. They were all young, under 30, the girls finds it normal. I never went in a situation like this before. I stood their with my mouth open and he came to me and said:"Good morning Shafyaa", I'm so grateful to him. Ask why? He did not smack my butt. Pheww I was so much relief.

"Why were you so shock when I smacked the girls butt", He whispered in my ears and winked at me. Boiiiii was that truely a question?

Youseff P.O.V

Shafyaa was looking so damn good. I just wanted to go and hug her till death. I did as usual greeted everyone the way I always do and Shafyaa's face expression was so damn priceless. Her mouth was fully opened and honestly I so badly wanted to kiss her. I teased her by asking an awkward question and she was paralize when I whispered in her ears.  I went to my cabin and she went to hers too.

I was having all kind of questions playing in my head and yep I was talking to myself.

"I need to make Shafyaa my Secretary. She has to be closer to me. Wait!? Am I cheating on Kenza? No, I am not. We are for namesake called boyfriend girlfriend but I'm sure she just don't take it seriously. I have to have to talk to Kenza and ask her where she thinks this relationship is going. And I have to do it now.", I was so inpatient to know if I could break up with Kenza. There were lot of question going around in my head. I went to her office to talk to her.

I entered her cabin and she was not there. I waited for a few seconds.... The door of the washroom opened, she looked nervous.She looked at her hand and then looked at my face.

I looked at her hand and she was holding a pregnancy test. I was so scared. Her face was making me even more scared. She was nervous which was making me feel nervous.

She looked at me and said: "babe we need to talk".


Hello beautiful people. Chapter 11 doooonnnneeeeee. What do you think about this? Kenza is pregnant!!!!! Mystery.... Continue voting and I will upload chapter 12 and reveal the mysterious suspense.

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