chapter 7

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*4th April*
"Asalam mom and dad. Wish me luck.", the day had arrived for me to go to work.

" wait Shaf. I will drop you and directly go to my work", dad proposed.

Good for me. No need to wait for the bus under the shining sun just 1cm above my head.

*Arriving at the building*

"Oh my Allah, this is huge but I'm not going to forget my first job and my first friends. I wonder how beautiful it is inside.",

" Wow! Fantabulous!",

"Umm hello are you Shafyaa Bibi Myra?" A classy woman came tward me. She was young and beautiful. She was approximately my age.

"Um Yes and you are.....?,

" oh hi *shake hand* I'm Kenza Dobre. I am the manager here. Today I will take you around the building and show you your works. You seem to be a very nice and polite girl. Don't hesitate to ask me anything you find confusing OK.?", Kenza Dobre WOW classy name.

"Thanks Ms Dobre.,"

"Oh no call me Kenza. Here is your cabin and all the details of your work on the table,",

"OK Ms Dob- uh Kenza",

I guess Kenza and I were already friends. She was my type neither arrogant nor selfish.

My cabin was not really big but I loved it. My first day at office went, by Allah's grace smoothly but when returning home......


"HEY STOP! CAN'T YOU SEE WHERE YOU ARE DRIVING! YOU RUINED MY ENTIRE DRESS!", I screamed and a ferrari black matte car stopped

The door opened and a breezy wind blew my hijab, imaginary violins were playing and I stand there watching 'the sexiest man alive'(unfortunately not Dwayne johnson🙍😊) walkimg towards me

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The door opened and a breezy wind blew my hijab, imaginary violins were playing and I stand there watching 'the sexiest man alive'(unfortunately not Dwayne johnson🙍😊) walkimg towards me.

"Umm Hey I'm sorry I did not do it purposely... Um.. Hey? hello?", he said removing me from my daydream.

"Umm get in the car I'll drop you home", he added

Stop dreaming shafyaa. He can see you.

I was rapt and stared at him as if he owed me money.

"What ya um ya it's okay", I stammered.

'Well done shafyaa you are ridiculing yourself in front of a sexy creature',my head vocalized

"No it's Okay I will manage till home. Thanks anyway and on top of that my house is 10 mins away", thank god I spoke to him like a real human being.

"No come in it's a way for me to apologise. I insist.", he insisted and I gave in.

*In the car*

The car was damn luxurious I have never ever entered such an expensive car before.No I have. Rudy's car. He was such a nice guy. I feel sorry for him.

"He must be some rich CEO of a company or a spoilt-brat but he seems really nice. I don't think he is a spoilt-brat", I murmured

"Umm Yes? Did you say something?", he questioned me. Wow! don't be so judgemental shafyaa.

"Umm who? me? No? Pull over!",I yelled

"Pull over? Why? Did I say something wrong?", he said with a confusing face.

"My house. Pull over. And thank you for the ride.", what a dry conversation.

"Welcome. What is your name?",
"Shafyaa, Shafyaa Bibi Myra. Nice to meet you.",
whaaaaaaat 'nice to meet you' it's been 10 mins we met gosh I was like a bewildered hen.

I went to my house without looking at him again else I would have stared at him continuously and It would have been awkward.

"Hey sis where is mom?", I asked.

"She is out with her new friend",

"Friend? We are new here how did she make friend?",

"She lives next door. Her name is Yousina Sayed. She is a very nice lady. Today mom and I went out and accidentally forgot our key inside and her 16 years old son Ahmed climbed the pipe, entered by the window and opened the door and that is how mom became friend with Yousina.

Shafyaa hey shafyaa SHAFYAA ARE YOU LISTENING",

"Huh ya I am listening. Anyway I'm going in my room.", I said and I was not fully listening to her I was thinking about that guy. His face looked familiar to me.

Shafyaa's thoughts

I have met this guy before. Why did I fell for him? Why does it seem like I have loved him before wait! is he Youseff?

Wait no I'm mistaking _ after so much years _ I can't just meet him like that.
*Flashback to 5 years ago*

"You love Youseff, isn't it", Sara questioned.

"Shhhhh sara he is just my... Don't make a publicity out of it else I will never share my personal things with you. I trust you guurl", I whisper-yelled.

"Don't worry Shafyaa I will never ever unfold your secret but will you ever tell him that you love him? School will be over in 3 days and we will never meet again and what if he loves you too", sara added.

"I don't think he loves me. There are lots of girls falling for him why on earth would he choose me? I'm not special and I'm a muslim it's haraam to date a guy 'cause I'm too young",

"As you wish Shafyaa. I won't force you if you don't want to get involve in those thing, it's your choice",

'If Allah made him for me, I will have him sooner or later but if he is not for me then Allah has other plans for me'

"Bye Shafyaa I'll see again In-umm how do you say this Insa",

"Oh yes we will meet again In sha Allah", I replied back and after 3 days school was over and I never met youseff again.

(Flashback over)

*Dinner time*

"Shafyaa how was your first day at office today? Did you make new friends?", Mom asked while servicing us a delicious fingerlicking butterchicken plus rice.

"Put some more mom. Today went smooth and I did not get lots of work to do as it is the first day today" I did not tell anyone about the after work accident.

"Mom I have heard you got a new friend she is our neighbour", I added.

" yes she is a very nice lady and she has a son of your age and he went in the same school as you St.Maryse justin. Do you know him? His name is Youseff, youseff Sayed",my mom asked and I was like 'did I hear you right??? Did you just say Youseff sayed???The one I loved and still maybe. NO WAY'

"No mom I don't think I remember any youseff", yup I lied.

"I have to meet him I really have to meet him I have to see if he is the one"I uttered of course silently.

"And shafyaa he is the CEO of your company", how would I know his face I never met the CEO of my own job.

"Good night everyone. I have to go to sleep early. I've got a bus to catch", yup I have to go to work on my own as dad goes to work at 10am and my job starts at 9am
"Good night Shafyaa", Mom said

I went to sleep thinking about 'who is Youseff? Is he my high school crush or another youseff?'
Here you are chapter 7 done
I just hope you like it.
Some parts are boring but plz continue to read and don't forget to vote😘

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