Chapter 13

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"Guys guys guys I have an announcement to do along with this farewell party. Since Kenza is leaving I have to replace her. So kenza and I had come up with the idea of making Shafyaa the new secretary. What do you all think?", Youseff announced. Why did he announce it like this? I was feeling awkward.

"Oh great idea! She gonna be a great Secretary", everyone said and I was blushing.

Youseff Thoughts

Great! The announcement is done now Shafyaa is for sure going to be my secretary and first of all I have to become her "friend" and slowly slowly we would become girlfriend boyfriend but that girl is not easy.

She is for sure not like other girls just a wink and they slee- I mean they become your girlfriend. She is a very mature and pure girl.

Youseff P.O.V

"Sir Kenza is calling you. What are you thinking", she said and I was still in my thoughts and said:
"I'm thinking about how to make you mine*finally realized*Shiiit!",

"What! What did you just say?",

"What!? What did I just say",

"You just said something",

"Um no I did not day anything",

"No you did",

"Stop arguing. I guess the announcement shook your mind a little bit", I said and smirked at her. Gosh I was about to ruin everything. Thank god she did not hear the full sentence.

"Ya so what were you telling me", I asked.

"Kenza is calling you.", she said very quickly and went away.

"Hey Kenza are you Okay? Are you enjoying the small party?", I asked

"Youseff can we talk for a few seconds", she said and I was again nervous. What if she says she gonna continue her job? What will happen to me and maybe Shafyaa?

"Ya", I said without continuing any sentence forward.

"Youseff as I told you before ever since Shafyaa came, we were not really into each other. Let me get to the point. Can I ask you something? If you don't mind",

"No you can, come one", I acted to not being scared about the upcoming question.


God damn it hurry up ask me(my thought)

"Do you somehow have feelings for Shafyaa",

Shoot how does she know? How did she find out? Is she a mind reader or something? Did I accidentally mention about her? What should I reply? Okay let me be honest. (In my mind)

"Actually Yes! But don't tell anyone",

"Ohhhh The CEO is in love! I'm so happy for you. But as far as I know you, you only date half naked girl no offense, then how come this one?",

"I myself don't know. She has something special in her that attracts me. She is different from others and she does not care how rich I am that is what I love with her. She just don't care who I am. Everyone is equal for her. Her behaviours speaks all",

"Oh well AWeSomE! Will you propose her",

"Are you dumb? Do you want her to kick me in the nut?",


" 'Course not. Then how will you make her realize how much you love her",

"Hello I'm Youseff. I can do anything",

"Bruh stop praising yourself"

"Hey by the way you remember the contract we got from Red company? Well we have been approved and you have to go to California with your Secretary. Which means Shafyaa euhm euhm",

"Nooooo! really? That's superb. On what date?",

" 15 September",

"Cool today is 17 August. Less than one month",
Shafyaa P.O.V

After the farewell party we all got back to work and my table and everything was shifted to Youseff's office. Which mean I will have to watch his face 24/7.

And Youseff's cabin was far away from the others. We could not see anyone from his cabin. He was kind of lost in the wood. My job was to take care of him I guess. I did not really know what to do as a Secretary and Gosh he stared at me all the time. I never had the gut to tell him why he always stared at me. No doubt he was for sure a big flirt so maybe he was trying to make me fall for him which I did once in high school but I don't anymore or maybe yes. Allah knows.

My job was doubled. I had to take care of his paper work and mine as well but the salary was for sure good.

We were both working in an awkward silence. I freaking don't like silence. It was so awkward. For the first time, I wanted to be his friend. We were going to work together for more than 1 year possibly and if we never talk to each other, the work going to be done in our separate ways.
The office was so calm that I coul hear the bird chirping and windsl blowing. Finally after an awkward long silent moment he spoke:

"Um Shafyaa I forgot to tell you that you need to come with me to California on 15 September. Our contract has been accepted and as my Secretary you must come with me as you have all the details.", He said

'Wait! Whaaaaat? Will I have to go with him? With a random man aka flirt. That too California. Should I say yes? I mean would my parent accept? They would surely accept because they know I am not a baby anymore. And if I say it's a part of my job they would never deny it'

"Umm Me? I'm new to this job. I don't have all the details.",

"All the details are on the shelf. Kenza placed all the work on it. And yes you. You are my Secretary so you must come.",

"Wait. Are you scared to go with me alone. I'm not gonna eat you",

Of course. I was not scared to go with him. I mean a bit I will be alone but no I was NOT.

"No I am not scared",

"So we are good to go. I will book the tickets and we have 1 more month to go. So relax",

"Oh Okay",

"Mom I have to go to California",

*everyone coughed and spat their soup*

"Why? With whom?", dad asked

"Actually since I'm the new secretary I have to go with The CEO. Our contract has been approved and we are leaving on 15 September of course if you guys give me the permission to go",

"Oh so you and him alone *fake cough*", my sister teased.

"Well done shitty asshole.", I murmured.

"Sorry did you say anything?", she asked. What the hell?

"Ok stop let us be serious", mom ordered.

"Yes you can go. She is my friend's son. He is a very nice boy. You can go with him and you are not a baby anymore, you can take care of yourself. But just remember you are a muslim", she continued and gave me the look. The look to keep it halal. What the hell mom. Of course I was not going to get loose.

After a wonderful dinner we went to sleep. I was thinking about the trip. I was excited as I had never travelled before.

Chapter 13😃

Chapter 14: still thinking of an idea.

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