Chapter 17

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Shafyaa P.O.V

Finally it was Saturday and no work for today.

I woke up with a smile as I could not stop thinking about Youseff. I was somehow sad it was Saturday as I would not be able to see him or Yes I can. He lived next door so there were 5 percent chance of seeing him or 50 percent chance of seeing his back.

My mom as always had gone with Shadia, Youseff's mom and My mom's friend. I wonder what they buy at the shop.

"Saturday Yuhou! No school",

"Hey monkey don't be so excited, mom told you to put the trash can out",

"Ya whatever donkey",

There were only the three of us at home, My sister,brother and I. Mom told us to arrange the house before she went out. So I went to my room and started cleaning it when I saw Youseff cleaning his room too.

"Oooooooo he is cleaning the room! So great! Such a perfect guy!", a voice from my head said.

I stood their and watched him for a long time then I saw him moving towards his door and I heard his door opened.

I quickly put a scarf on my head, took the trash can and ran outside and he was taking the trash out too.

I came outside and made as if I did not see him. By Allah's grace he noticed me.

"Hey Shafyaa", he said observing me from head to toe.

"He-y Youseff", I replied and shit shit shit shit shit, I forgot to change my pajama!  Well done Shafyaa well done!

I stood there embarrassed but I did not show my embarrassment on my face. I acted normal and thank god my pajama was decent. But there were Sponge bob design. Imagine yellow pajama with a pink hijab ugh disgusting.

"Nice pajama Shafyaa", he teased.

"Haha very funny. Thanks", I said sarcastically and we both crack into a laughter. Wait I was laughing along with my crush Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm dead!.

I could not stop staring at his biceps.

"God they are so sexy", I thought.

I know I sounded like a creep but they were so spongy and sexy. I just wanted to jump and eat them. Youseff was even more dashing in his sweatpant and a sleeveless T-shirt. And his messy hair, Gosh so good.

I was sure that my face look like a sweet potato in front of him with no make up and colourful pajama. I wonder why I came out like that.

'to have a glance of him',

"Um so...", he said.

"Nothing. See you later. I have got to go", I said and entered the house and I was totally blushing.

My sister was standing in front of me with her hand crossed.

"Shaf where have you gone?",


"I can see outside but why",

"Um to-",

"To see Youseff", she interrupted me.

"Shut up sis", I said while blushing.

"Eeew Look at your state. You look like a creepy doll ",

"I know sis I was in a hurry I forgot to check me",

" Ugh *rolled her eyes* come on let's clean the house",

"Stop making those bitchy faces Youshra",


Youseff's P.O.V

She was looking so damn cute and even more gorgeous or messily gorgeous.

Well done Youseff! You were bragging about proposing her and when she was in front of you, you were like a sheep. How the hell are you going to propose her.

I was not like that before knowing Shafyaa. I was fearless and easily asked girls out but when I was truly in love, I was not able to talk to her like a real human being.

"Be a man Youseff! Propose her before it's too late", I said to myself.

"Youseff where are you? Help me with the chores", my mom ordered.

"Yes mom coming",

Shafyaa's P.O.V

"Mom you finally came", Shafyaa said.

"Shafyaa you are a grown up girl now, isn't it?"

"Yes mom why?",

"Nothing, we will talk later",

"Ok mom",

Saturday was nearly over. Time was running. It was already dinner time and unfortunately dad had overtime so he was not with us for dinner.

After dinner mom took me to her room and what she told me made me speechless. I did not know what to say at that time.

"Shafyaa I will tell you something very important now",

"Ok mom",

"I Will come directly to the point. You are 22 years old nearly 23. It's time for you to have a life partner",

"Um What do you mean?",

"It's time for you to get married",


"What mom!?, get married! No I'm not ready",

"Why? Do you love someone else",

After a long silence I said:"no mom it's not that",

"Take your time dear I'm not going to force you. Go to sleep now",

I was shock. I did not know what to say. I had a mixed emotion. I did not know how to react.

Youseff P.O.V

At night I was having feeling that something was wrong. I could not sleep at night. I had that feeling that I'm gonna lose Shafyaa. I was not sure what was it but I was feeling scared.

The day after, Shafyaa and I had to go California and I was thinking of proposing her there. Will I be able to do it?

I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to know if she loves someone.

After thinking and having all the confusion, I asked Allah to give me courage to ask her to marry me.

I was sure I was going to propose her at the California trip. Fingers cross.

Shafyaa P.O.V

On Monday Youseff and I had to go to California for the contract and I was feeling nervous and happy at the same time.
I was having that feeling that something going to be great.
But what can happen? Nothing, he don't love me and he don't know if I love him so...

Ah let's wait for the trip itself Gosh! Stop thinking. Go to sleep.


Chapter 17

This is by far for me the worst chapter. I was not having ideas and sorry but I had to write a chapter so that they finally go on the trip.
But the upcoming chapter is going to be great, I hope.

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