Present Time...

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Andi's PoV

It's been two years since I started out on my own journey.

I already managed to evolve Charmander into Charmeleon, and into Charizard. I also caught some other pokemon like Ralts, Fennekin, two Espurr, and an Eevee. I also managed to evolve Ralts into Kirlia, and into Gardevoir; Fennekin into Braixen; my two Espurr into two Meowstics, learning one of them was a male, and the other was a female; Eevee into a Sylveon; and Sweet into a Steenee!

I also discovered Mega Evolution, learning that Charizard and Gardevoir could mega evolve,so I searched for a keystone and a mega stone. I managed to find a keystone, and luckily, a two mega stones, a Charizardite X and a Gardevoirite.

But I still haven't seen Alain yet. I'm currently continuing my journey with my friends Ash, Serena, Clemont, and his little sister, Bonnie. The way we met was kinda awkward...


I challenged the Lumiose City, battling the Lumiose Gym Leader, Clemont (by the way, the reason why Clemont is in-charge of the gym, remember the episodes where Clemont wasn't with the gang? The setting was when Clemont was already at Lumiose City, training for his and Ash's gym battle, and the others were about to arrive). Luckily, I ended up winning. I was awarded with the Voltage Badge.

I went outside to exit the gym, so did the gym leader Clemont.

"Uh, Clemont? Why did you also went outside? Shouldn't you be busy with your gym" I asked the blonde male beside me.

"Yeah, but I got some of my friends coming" he said as he pointed north.

I saw three people. A male who has tan skin, black hair, brown eyes, wearing a blue shirt with white patterns, blue pants, rubber shoes that's colored in red with some black linings, and a red hat with white markings (sorry folks, I suck at describing clothes, hehe). A female who has long honey-blonde hair (still had to have her hair long for a reason...), blue eyes, wearing a red top hat which has a black ribbon around it, a black sleeveless top that has a white collar, a short red skirt, black high knee socks, and a pair of shoes that are black which are stamped with a pink pokeball pattern. And the last one was another female, but shorter than the other two people. She had blonde hair tied up as a ponytail at her left side, she had blue eyes, she was also wearing a brown sleeveless top with a black ribbon tied, a rather fluffy white skirt, black leggings that were until her knees, and pink slippers. She also had a yellow shoulder bag which contained a Dedenne.

"Hey big brother!" the blonde girl shouted. She smiled so hard, it was really big.

"Uh oh... not that face of hers..." Clemont started worrying. Well I could see that he was worrying because he was blushing.

"Why? What's the matter?" I asked him curiously why he was worrying.

"I-it's be-be-cause..." he started stuttering. Why is he even stuttering?

"You're a keeper! Will you be my big brother Clemont's girlfriend? (I was either confused or surprised at writing this part) Of course when time passes, I won't be there to keep an eye on him. So please?" She said as she kneeled in front of me.

"Aipom arm, go!" Clemont shouted, blushing still, but his cheeks were redder that before. Clemont's so called 'Aipom arm' that just sprouted from his backpack grabbed his sister by her shirt. "Bonnie! I told you a million times! You have to stop this! I find a girl by my own!" he shouted as his sister. "When?" Bonnie asked him. "Someday, but it's going to be me who chooses!"

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now