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Andi's PoV

As we were sleeping... Actually it took me hours before I slept. Being the stubborn person I am, I stayed up late, again, watching this cool animated series, where there were two superheroes saving their city. The female wore a Ledian costume while the male wore an Umbreon costume. I gotta say... I ship them! Their so cute together! Even though that they have no idea who the other one really is, despite the fact that they're just classmates at their school, they're close as ever! One of the episodes, which was about Valentines Day, was so good! The part that Ledian really had to kiss Umbreon to free him from the hate that the Dark Cupid gave him, made me fangirl so much!!! Too kawaii!!! I just hope that someday, they'll know each others identities... While I was just watching, Sweet seemed to be already sleeping. So cute of her while sleeping. After watching I also went to sleep. 

While all of us were already having our peaceful sleep, the huge window of our room broke. I opened my eyes to see the glass shattering and a huge mechanical robot arm grab Pikachu.

'Not again... It's too early for this... Don't they sleep?' I thought to myself.

"Uh, Pikachu!" Ash yelled as he finally woke up.

Then I saw all of my friends finally waking up, now knowing what just happened. We all ran to the broken window to see who stole Pikachu. As usual, it was the usual suspects...

"Rise and shine losers!" The three said.

"What are you doing here?!" Ash managed to shout.

"We're making trouble, so get prepared" the pink-haired female said.

"We'll make it double, you should be scared" the lavender-haired male said.

"To protect the world from devastation" she continued.

"To unite all people within our nation" he continued.

"To denounce the evils of sleeping late"

"To extend our reach and seal Pikachu's fate"

"Jessie" she finally introduced herself, even though we already know their names.

"And James" him too, really?

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light" Jessie said.

"Surrender now or prepare for an early morning fight" James continued.

"Meowth, that's right" the speaking Meowth said. Well, who would forget him?

"Wobbuffet!" the blue pokemon shouted.

I grunted. "Well, for first, what's wrong with sleeping late?! And you can't seal Pikachu's fate, that's too cruel to do to a pokemon! And why do you keep on saying your motto and introducing yourselves?! We already know who you guys are!" I yelled at them. Seriously, what's bad with sleeping late?!??

"Just shut up, will you, twerpette?!??" Jessie yelled at me.

"Team Rocket!" Ash shouted. "Alright, Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" he commanded his pokemon.

"Pika" was only what Pikachu said before using thunderbolt. But when he used thunderbolt, nothing seemed to have happened.

"Pika?" Pikachu shouted.

"How was that possible? Metals are known to conduct electricity and heat, but how come it didn't absorb the electricity?" I questioned.

"You're right. What metal even is that?" Clemont agreed with me.

"Wasting electricity isn't good for the environment" Meowth said.

"The early team hatches a great scheme!" James also said.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now