A Hangout and A Reunion?

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~Andi's PoV~

While Ash and Clemont were battling, Mairin and Bonnie were watching Serena practicing for her performances; Sweet, Dedenne, Squishy, and Pikachu were playing; while I was watching the battle of Ash and Clemont, me sitting on a bench beside the battlefield, beside Alain. The battle was becoming tense as time passed by. Sooner or later, there it was; it happened again. Ash-Greninja was now at the battlefield, still with water surrounding him.

"I wonder when can Ash and Greninja controll the power that they have... This really shows the really close bond between the two, since many people already have Greninjas with them, but having this super close bond with the pokemon and the trainer, it's super rare." I thought to myself.

Not to mention, I have this really cute mini Clembot beside me recording all the data of the battle. This just shows that Clemont really wants to know more about Ash-Greninja... There was a projection in front of it, showing the waves, meaning if Ash and Greninja are really becoming one.

Although, the battle only lasted for a couple of minutes, with Greninja winning over Luxray. Even if Luxray has the type advantage being an elecric type, battling against Greninja, a water type, Greninja sure is powerful enough to defeat the Lumiose gym leader's pokemon.

As soon as the battle was over, Ash and Greninja fell. It sure must be really tiring if you're insynced with a pokemon battling. Ash and Clemont then returned their pokemon for Nurse Joy to heal them.

"That battle was sure intense..." I started as I stood and stretched my arms.

"Yes. It was. Even if Luxray had the type advantage, Greninja still won" Alain added as he also stood from where he sat earlier.

"Well. I'm going to watch Serena practice, okay?" I said to him as I left.

"Wait" he called out to me.

"Hmm? Yes? What is it, Alain?' I asked him. He doesn't usually me... So this made me curious.

"Since we haven't seen each other in years, how about we hangout? Just here around the city, that is" Alain offered me. Yes, it was true. We haven't seen each other in years before he and Mairin decided to join us.

I nodded. "Sure! Why not?" I answered. "I'll just have to inform Serena and the others that we'll be leaving for a bit, okay?" I added.

Alain nodded. "Sure"

Then I walked to the other battlefield of the pokecenter, where Serena, Bonnie, Mairin, Sweet, Dedenne, and Squishy are. As soon as I got a bit more closer to them, I saw Serena's Braixen release a fire blast in a shape of a flower. And the flower seemed to bloom, and poof! There were sparkles everywhere! Just like in Serena's usual performances.

"Wow!" "Beautiful!" I heard the two girls say. Serena does have a talent for these performaces.

"That was awesome, Serena!" I praised her.

"Thanks Andi!" She thanked me. "So how did Ash and Clemont's battle go?"

"It went well! Even though that Luxray had the advantage, Ash-Greninja still won!" I replied. As soon as me and Bonnie saw Serena look amazed, or inspired, I don't know... We began smirking. The two of us went to Serena's two opposite sides and bumped her with our elbows. Then Serena looked at the two of us, as soon as she saw the expressions we had on our faces, she blushed... red as a tomato!

"S-stop it, y-you g-guys!" Serena stuttered at us. We just continued smirking at her, because it's our ship!!!

"Stop what Serena?" Mairin asked her. Me and Bonnie then parted away from Serena.

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