It Is You!

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~Andi's PoV~

I then ran at the yet familiar person. I haven't seen him in ages. I'm surprised that he's actually here in Kalos!!!

~??? PoV~

"Master, master. Could it be?" Minccino asked me, tapping my left shoulder that it was sitting on.

"Hmm?" I then hummed, not quite understanding what she was telling me.

"Isn't that her, Zorua?" Minccino asked her friend. I was still facing the Scatterbug since it needed my help. I just looked at my left shoulder, now knowing that Minccino was pointing at something.

Zorua gasped. "Well it is her! But she is running here with a lot of people following her. I guess they are her friends, right?" Zorua then said. The last thing I knew that the pokemon on my left shoulder and the pokemon that was resting on my head then left.

~Andi's PoV~

I was still running at them. Are the others after me though? But I kept on running. Then the two pokemon noticed me and jumped to me.

"Minccino! Zorua! It's so nice to see you guys again!" I exclaimed happily as I caught the two pokemon in my arms. It had been a year before we all saw each other again. I closed my eyes, treasuring the moment of our small reunion. As I opened my eyes, I finally saw the green haired male again.

"N! So it was you! It is so nice to see you again!" I greeted the male as the Minccino sat on my shoulder and Zorua rested on my head.

"It's nice to see you again too, Andi" he greeted back. I then pulled him into a hug. I truly missed him. He was quite shocked that I was hugging him, but he then hugged back. Then we let go of each other.

"Andi, are you alright? Why did you-" Alain asked me as the group approached us, but he was then cut off by seeing the person in front of me. "Who's this?" he asked me.

"I'm Natural Harmonia Gropius, but I prefer to be called N" N answered Alain's question.

"N! It's nice to see you again!" Ash greeted the tall male as he put one of his hands in front of him to shake. Wait for a second. He knows N?!??

"Ash! It's nice to see you too!" N greeted back as he accepted the hand shake.

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys know each other?" I asked the two males in front of me. The two nodded.

"Yeah! I met N when I was with my friends on a ship to the White Ruins!" Ash answered.

"Oh... That's how you met..." I said... Wait... If N's here...

"If you're here... Where's White and Black?" I started asking the tea green haired male.

"Oh them? They're also here in Kalos!" he answered.

"They're here in Kalos? But where?" I continued asking him. I can't believe that they're here!

"They said that they'll be at Lumiose City. More specific, the pokemon lab there" he answered.

"Professor Sycamore's lab!" me and the others said.

"So that's the professor's name..." N said. Then I got another question for him...

"Then how about Bianca and Cheren?" I continued asking N.

"Oh... They said they were heading for Santalune City... They're here in Kalos too!" N answered.

"So you also know Bianca? And Cheren too?" Ash asked me. I nodded as a reply.

"Yeah! The six of us traveled in Unova. Having me, N, White, Black, Bianca, and Cheren in our group" I answered his question.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now