A Little Aim and Shoot

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~3rd Person PoV~

"This will be a long day..." Andi said as she kept on walking. She saw a lot of people; couples going on dates, guys giving the girls flowers, and other stuff people do on Valentine's Day, and it made her uncomfortable.

While walking, she saw a cart with tons of flowers on it. There was a man who was busy selling his delicate flowers to his customers. The flowers go in varieties; there were roses, daisies, mums, sunflowers, and more other flowers. The only thing that she adored about his flowers was the fact that they were colorful, just like a painting, a mixture of random colors could make a good piece.

While they continued on walking, one of Clemont's pokéballs rattled, it kept on shaking then it opened. A flash of light was then shown on top of the blonde's head, then a pokémon was revealed when the burst of light faded.

"So you wanted to be out of your pokéball again, Chespin?" Clemont asked the pokémon that was laid on his head. The chestnut pokémon nodded. "Ches!!!" "Yes!!!"

While walking, they all saw a part of the street which seemed to be having a fair. Much to Andi's dismay, it was of course decorated with the usual decorations for the occasion, and the three youngsters wanted to go, that being Bonnie, Mairin, and Ash.

"Come on, Serena!!! Let's go!!!" Ash demanded the honey blonde-haired female as he pulled her arm.

"O-okay!!! Just slow down, will you?" Serena said as she was pulled into the crowd by Ash.

"Let's go Mairin!!!" Bonnie said as she pulled the redhead's arm.

"Yeah!!! Let's go!!!" Mairin agreed as she followed the blonde.

"Hey!!! Bonnie, wait for me!!!" Clemont yelled as he ran after his sister.

With Ash, Serena, Bonnie, Mairin, and Clemont gone, the brunette was left behind with Alain, N, and her pokémon, Sweet.

"Steen steenee steenee!!!" Sweet said to her trainer. "Let's go follow them!!!"

Andi nodded. "Let's go where Serena and the others are!" She replied as she and her partner ran off, leaving the two males behind.

"She is this energetic, isn't she?" the green haired male started. The sudden question startled Alain, who seems to stare into the distance.

The blue eyed male nodded. "Yeah. She would mostly run off to where her friends were usually going."

"And I also heard that you were the one who helped her when she got lost when she was little. Am I correct?" N asked while walking.

"Yeah. She would easily lose her way when she goes wandering off." Alain answered. Then he heard N chuckle, making the other quite confused.

"Well, she's lucky to have you. I'm sure her situation would've gotten worse if it weren't for you..." N said. Hearing this, Alain somewhat felt embarrassed from what the tall male said.

"Hey!!! Alain!!! N!!! Come over here!!!" a rather familiar voice called to them. "Serena's going to show a mini performance by the stage!!! Come on!!! Hurry!!!"

As they heard and found out who was calling out to them, they rushed their way to the brunette female who was standing near the stage, together with her partner, Sweet, beside her, Minccino on her head, Zorua in her arms, and Bonnie, Mairin, and Clemont beside her.

"Hey guysh, did I mish anyshing?" Ash asked the others, having his own mouth full with the food he just bought.

"Nope... You were about to..." Bonnie scolded the eating trainer. "Well, at least you're here and that's enough."

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now