The Beginning Of My Journey

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So, hi again guys!!! Here I am to write an Alain x OC story. Now I got the chance to at least update this book, hehe...

Now on to the story!!!

(Oh, another reminder. You can change Andi into your own character, ok?)


Andi's PoV (Past 2 years)

I woke up in the morning, excited. I was now going to get my own very first starter pokemon! As I sat up from my bed, I woke up the pokemon who slept with me.

"Come on, Sweet, we have to get up. We still have a big day ahead of us" I woke up the Bounsweet beside me.

It yawned. "Boooouuunsweeet"

You see, Sweet was a gift from my dad to me when he came back from his trip from Alola.

When she was already wide awake, we both took a bath. While in it, we both played by splashing water on each other. As we were done, we dried ourselves with our towels. I changed into my clothes which was a light blue shirt with a light pink skirt (long one, me don't like short skirts. No, lemme rephrase that, I NEVER liked short skirts) that was underneath my jacket which had it's sleeves until my elbows and it had no zippers. I also wore a pair of black leggings that extended onto my knees and a pair of long black boots. I fixed my hair into a ponytail. (Or refer to the drawing I made in the character reference if you guys don't understand any of the details Andi is wearing...)

I got my dark blue bag and got my needed stuff there for my journey. I opened on of the shelves of my bedside table, I grabbed the jacket that someone owns that held dear to me, and placed it inside my bag. And of course, I can't forget my dark blue headphones and my phone. I placed my headphones on my neck,connected to my phone which is inside my bag, in case if I wanted to listen to music.

As I was done packing my things, "Hey, Sweet. Let's go down to eat breakfast" I called out to Sweet.

"Bounsweet!" It replied as if it was saying yes.

I got my backpack and wore it while going out of my bedroom

As we were going downstairs, I was greeted by Rose, my Mom's Comfey, which was also a gift from Dad.

"Good morning Rose!" I greeted the pokemon in front me.

"Com comfey" Rose said, as it was saying good morning too.

"Let's go down, shall we?" I asked both of them. They both replied.

As we three went downstairs, I can smell the pleasant aroma of my Mom cooking.

"Good morning, Mom!!!" I greeted my Mom.

"Oh, good morning, Andi" she greeted back. "I see you have a bag there. Where are you going?"

"I'm going on my own journey, if that's okay with you" I said.

"Of course it's okay. Just be careful, ok? You are indeed a troublesome child, though" Mom said as she patted my head.

"Thanks Mom!!!"

"Oh, please feed the pokemon. I still have some bread to toast here" Mom requested me.

I grabbed five bowls and placed pokemon food in each. "Everyone! Time to eat!" I yelled for the pokemon to notice because they were outside playing. When they heard me yell, all of them came inside to eat. Bounsweet, Comfey, Fluffy, a Pale Cotton Mareep kind, Glapix, a Glaceon and Vulpix fusion, and Shiolu, a Shinx and Riolu fusion. My Mom was a researcher of different kinds pokemon and pokemon fusions, that's why Fluffy, Glapix, and Shiolu were here. When she was available, we mostly play with all of the pokemon.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now