Ash vs Sawyer: Best of Three Battle

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I'm back!!! But for the following chapters only... I'm planning to have a Halloween special... so I had to publish this...

Now on to the story you've all been waiting for!!!


Andi's PoV

I'm so happy that me and Ash finally got our seventh badge, which was the Psychic badge that we won from Olympia. Man... she was a strong gym leader... It took us a lot of effort to beat her, even if Ash and I had separate battles with her.

Many things have happened through the days. For example, Ash's Frogadier evolved into Greninja. When Greninja evolved when we were at the Ninja Village, while they were battling, there was this some kind of transformation that it went through. Yet, we can't seem to identify what it was. I read through some books about certain Greninjas. Then I remembered what Ippei told us: there was a Greninja that protected their village in the past when the ninjas were fighting against each other. As illustrated from the portraits in the monument, the Greninja, also known as the "Hero of the Village", looked different as from normal Greninja. When we left, I started researching due to my curiosity on Ash's Greninja and the Greninja hero at the Ninja Village. It all concluded that it was called the "Battle Bond". It was unlike mega evolution, which needed stones. Even if I knew this, I didn't tell them yet... (Yep... That is how secretive I am... sometimes...)

Another thing that happened that Serena's Eevee finally evolved into Sylveon. It happened at one ball or party... When the pokemon performers were invited to the party. Then there was this double battle. Serena and Ash were together, while there was Miette... and this guy which I predicted was James from Team Rocket due to his hair and eye color, but who knows? It might not be him, or it is him? Then when Eevee was so hurt, it started glowing, or in other words, evolving. It evolved into a Sylveon! At the end, Ash and Serena ended up winning.

But... little did they know... while they were battling... I was stuffing my face with sweets with Bonnie!!! And they were so delicious!!! The cheesecakes, the cupcakes, and the bestest thing that they had... THE CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!! If we weren't in a formal event, I'm pretty sure that Bonnie and I were nearly bathed in chocolate.

Then another thing that happened was that we found a pokemon in Bonnie's bag. It was green with a red gem thingy on its stomach. We tried to scan it with our pokedexes, only for us to know that it's data wasn't recorded yet. We ended up taking care of it, with Bonnie also naming it "Squishy", because... it WAS indeed squishy. I wonder if it has any bones... And yet again... due to my curiosity, I researched about Squishy. It took me a loooong time before finding my answer. Squishy happens to be one of the Kalos' legendary pokemon, Zygarde. It seemed to have two cores. I bet Squishy is one of the cores, and the other one has the blue gem thingy unlike Squishy that has the red one. With the help of it's cells, it could transform into a more powerful forme, such as the 10% forme and the 50% forme. Each core can only reach unto the 50% forme, but if they got together and both were able to get the 50% forme, it will transform into the 100% forme, its strongest form. But I'll let the others know that by themselves...

As for now, we're at the pokecenter. We saw our good friend Sawyer again. As always... him and Ash are now battling.

"Alright Hawlucha, flying press!" Ash commanded his pokemon-in-use. Hawlucha jumped into the air, readying its attack on its opponent. It glided through the air and successfully hit Sawyer's Shelgon, making it faint.

"Shelgon!" Sawyer exclaimed.

"Shelgon is unable to battle, Hawlucha wins!" Clemont announced.

"Ok... That's one." Ash said. Well I'm not actually surprised that Ash won. He's a strong trainer; stronger than Sawyer. We've crossed paths with Sawyer before already, multiple times. Every time that Ash and Sawyer see each other, an expected battle will occur. Expected? Yeah. If Ash sees any of his rivals, the battle shall go on!!!

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