Let The Games Begin!

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~Andi's PoV~

As we were walking through the streets of Fleurrh City, the place where Serena will get her third princess key. We're all rounding for her. Then it was time... TIME FOR SERENA'S NEXT SHOWCASE!!!

"Wow! Really? You actually enter showcases?" Mairin asked her in amazement. Serena nodded.

"Yep! And if I win this, I'll get my third key! Which qualifies me in the Master Class!" Serena answered.

"Well we're all going to cheer for you there!" we said. This gave Serena the motivation she needed for her performance.

"Thanks you guys!" Serena thanked us. Bonnie, Mairin and I hugged her. "You guys are the best friends I could ever have!" she said as she hugged us back.

"Well, that's what best friends are for" Bonnie said to her.

So we all headed straight for the pokecenter first and booked 2 rooms; one for us girls, and one for the boys. We placed our things there first before heading out to the venue of the showcase. It. Was. HUGE! The stage was quite beautiful. Decorations were hanged here and there, it was just beautiful. So it all started with Pierre and his Klefki's introduction. Then here comes the themed performance: gathering Rhyhorn. Since Serena has already gotten close with a lot of Rhyhorn, I know that she'll pull it off. And she did. She was able to advance to the freestyle performance. And guess what? She did win her third princess key! And now we're celebrating her win!

"Come on, Serena! We've got something readied for you!" Mairin called out to her.

"Readied for what exactly?" she asked us.

"Just, follow us!" I said as  Bonnie and I were pulling her arms. I have to say, she's no lightweight. Pulling her was hard, despite the fact that I'm quite strong.

As we finally came inside the dining area of the pokecenter, huge amounts were displayed on the table. The appetizer, the main course, and who would forget the sweets and dessert?

"We're celebrating your chance to compete in the master class" Clemont started.

Serena and her pokemon gasped. "Amazing! Thank you guys!" she thanked us.

"No problem! Although, someone already took bites of the dessert. Maybe two of them" I said as I looked at Mairin and Bonnie. The two just laughed.

"Come on! Let's eat! I'm starving!" Ash began. "Pika pikachu!" Pikachu agreed with him.

"The two of you are always hungry!" we all shot at the two.

"Well, he is right. Let's dig in!" Alain continued.

We then all started eating. Clemont also prepared some special pokemon food for the pokemon, of course, more special for Serena's pokemon since they were Serena's team on competing for the master class. The food was delicious! And of course the dessert!

After we ate dinner, we all went back into our own rooms. We all firstly got changed clothes and wore our pajamas. As usual, I wore my dark blue shirt and my pair of black baggy shorts. As Bonnie, Mairin and Serena sat on Serena's bed, I grabbed my bag and went through it. I was searching for that small box in my bag. As soon as I felt a smooth surface and pointy edges, I grabbed it out of my bag.

"Who wants to play UNO?" I asked them with surprise.

Everyone gasped. "UNO? YES PLEASE!" they all shouted.

"How about we invite the others to join in the game?" Serena asked me.

"Sure! The more the merrier that is!" I answered her question. She stood off her bed and rushed out of the room to invite the others, while I just sat on her bed with Bonnie and Mairin.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now