Talking To Them Again!!!

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~Andi's PoV~

We all went to the communications room and went to one of the available monitors they had. He then started to dial the Lumiose laboratory, and someone answered.

"Hello! This is Professor Syca-" the speaker cut off. "Alain?"

"Yes, professor. It's me again..." the blue-eyed male answered.

"Oh I missed you so much! Do tell me your story when you come back here, alright?" Professor Sycamore said. Alain just nodded.

"Andi told me that she'll be looking for you when she got her starter for me. So did you guys saw each other again?" he asked, and I quickly went in front of the monitor.

"Hi Professor!!!" I greeted him, excitedly.

"Oh! Hi Andi! So you guys did see each other again!" he replied. We both nodded.

"Hi Professor Sycamore!" The others greeted in the background, making me and Alain move away from the monitor so that he could see the others.

"My! It's Ash, Bonnie, Clemont, Mairin, and Serena! What a surprise!" he said in surprise. They all laughed. Then N let himself to be seen on the Professor's monitor.

"Wait, is that N?" he asked Alain.

"Yes, it's me, Professor Sycamore" N answered for himself.

"Hi! White and Black are still here. Want to talk to them?" the professor asked him, he nodded. Then he left and we heard him calling out their names. It didn't take them too long before the two came and showed up on the screen in front, so I hid myself, away from the camera's perspective.

"Oh! Hi N!" the duo greeted. Seeing them again... It brings back good memories...


"Hey! Wanna battle?" a brunette asked me. He was wearing a blue hoodie, gray long pants, and red shoes. He was also wearing a red hat on his head.

"My name is Black, by the way!" he introduced himself to me as he put his hand in front of me, waiting for me to shake it.

"I'm Andi!" I accepted his offer and shook his hand.

"HEY BLACK!!! WAIT FOR US!!!" I heard a female voice yell. I turned around to see where it came from. I saw a female wearing a white sleeveless top under a black sleeveless blazer, having a light blue short pants and wearing gray shoes with pink laces. There was also a green haired male who was following her, both of them running.

"Oh, sorry White... Heheheh..." Black scratched his head. The female then came up to us and introduced herself to me.

"Hi. As Black said, my name is White. It's nice to meet you" White said, reaching out her hand. I reach out my hand as well and shook hers.

"I'm Andi. It's also nice to meet you" I said, letting go of her hand. The next thing I knew was that White was scolding Black for running off. I then looked at the tall guy beside her. He was staring at the meadows that had a lot of pokémon. Pidoves, Deerlings, Minccinos, and other kinds of pokémon that were playing through the grassy fields. I walked up to him, seeing his expression that had amusement and fascination.

"Hi. Who would you be?" I asked him, seeing him shocked. "Oh... I'm sorry. Did I scare you? Did I snapped you out of your thoughts?" I asked him with worry in my voice.

"Oh... No, no, no... I'm fine. I was just startled. My name is N, by the way. And I heard your name was Andi...? Am I correct?"

I nodded. "Yup, you got it right!" Then I saw him return his gaze to the meadows. 'He really is interesting...' I thought to myself.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now