Peanut Butter Cookies and An Incident

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(A/n: Just an early warning... Mentions of blood and wounds are present... But I'll say when so you can skip that part if you're sensitive to those... Now... Carry on to reading...)

~Andi's PoV~ (Same night)

But there a was a problem... I couldn't sleep just yet. I turned and turned on my bed just to get a comfortable setting, but nothing worked.

Out of disappointment and giving up, I stood from my bed and went outside the room. As I stepped out of our room, I could still see the lights of the pokécenter's hallways were still on. 'I wonder why these lights are still on...' I thought to myself.

As I walked further, I saw Nurse Joy with her Wigglytuff still at the counter.

"Nurse Joy? How are you still up? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" I asked the nurse who was looking to e filled with energy.

"Oh... the Nurse Joy with her Wigglytuff earlier was my sister. I'll be in charge of taking care of the center and guarding it by my night shift" she answered.

"Oh... I'm so sorry... It's just that both of you really look alike..." I apologized.

"It's alright" she forgave me. "But how come you're not yet sleeping?"

"I still couldn't sleep... heheheh..." I replied.

"Oh, know I know what to do!" I said as I got an idea. "Could I please borrow the kitchen and the pantry for a while?" I asked the pink haired female in front of me.

She nodded. "Sure! Just be careful, okay?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yes! Thank you Nurse Joy!" I thanked her as i bowed down.

"My pleasure..." was what she said as I left going to the pantry.

As soon as I arrived at the small room filled with cooking supplies, I grabbed a basket.

"Hmm... what should I get..." I thought to myself. "Aha!" Then I just grabbed the ingredients that I needed.

I grabbed the flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, butter, baking soda, peanut butter, and some strawberry jam and placed them into my basket. Now for the materials. I grabbed the cookie sheet, an ice cream scoop, sifter, parchment paper that fitted the cookie sheet, rubber spatula, two large mixing bowls, and a cooling rack.

"Now to get started" I said.

I grabbed the butter and sugar and placed them into one bowl. I creamed the butter together with the sugar using a rubber spatula. As soon as it was creamed well, I added in the eggs, that I began to whip with the creamed butter and sugar. After beating I added a small amount of vanilla extract to give some taste.

After mixing the wet ingredients, I went on to the dry ingredients. I grabbed the second bowl, the jar of flour, baking soda, and salt. I placed some cups of flour, some teaspoons of baking soda, and a pinch of salt in the sifter, which was laid on the clean bowl. Tap tap tap. And the dry ingredients were sifted.

As I was done with both wet and dry ingredients, I slowly added the dry ingredients unto the wet ingredients, portion by portion. I kept on mixing the dough and added the dry ingredients. As soon as the dry was already mixed in the wet, I still kept on mixing, to avoid any miss-outs on the bowl. And later, the cookie dough base was done. I scooped up some peanut butter, okay maybe a lot, and added it into the cookie batter. So I kept on mixing and mixing again, until the peanut butter was through distributed in the batter. Then I could simply smell the sweet aroma of peanut butter... Yum!!!

So I'm done with the batter, next is to bake them! I grabbed the ice cream scoop and scooped up some of the batter. I then released in on the parchment paper that was placed on the cookie sheet, or tray. With the right indention and measurements, I was able to place the cookie batter equally. I continued on with another tray, filling it up onto 12 pieces as well. I was able to use about five trays... Yeah... I made too much dough...

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