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Sorry for not updating, guys... I was just busy with the first week of school... Now I'm here to continue!

And tell me, why is he so cute in that picture?!?!?!?!?!?

On to the story!!!!


Andi's PoV

I woke up in our room. I was still wearing my set of pajamas, a dark blue shirt and a pair of baggy pants.

I sat up to see my friends, now knowing that all of them were still sleeping. I grabbed my phone to check what time it already was. It said 6:58am (I don't wake up that early. I usually wake up 10:00am. XD). I looked at my left side, noticing that Sweet was still sleeping.

"Hey, Sweet. Time to wake up" I said to wake her up.

"Steen steenee?" she said as she was asking why she needed to wake up so early. When at times like these, Sweet is usually lazy to wake up. Unless...

"We're going to make breakfast for everyone. We're going to cook pancakes" I told her.

She stood up as fast as a bullet. You see, when it comes to cooking, even if she's lazy or sleepy, all that fatigue goes away. She's alert on cooking.

"Steen steenee steen!" she said as she was telling me 'Sure! Am happy to help!'.

She reacted quickly enough for me to know she woke up.

As both of us went to the kitchen of the pokecenter, we firstly gathered the ingredients, which were flour, baking powder, salt, white sugar, milk, an egg, and butter (I had to research this! Here's the link of the website I went to: ).

We mixed all of the ingredients in a large bowl. I got the flat cast iron (yeah I have one. My Mom bought me one, even I don't use it much), and we put it on the stove and turned on the stove. We started cooking the pancakes.
When we were finished cooking them, as I was setting the table with Sweet's help, everyone was already up. They were still in their pajamas.

"Oh, good morning guys!" I told them.

"Good morning Andi and Sweet!" Bonnie greeted as she rubbed her eyes.

"We made breakfast enough for everyone!" I said.

"Wow! Thanks! I was getting hungry" Ash told me. We just all laughed at what Ash said.

I just went to get some bowls and put some mini pancakes for the pokemon to eat.

"Everyone out!" We said as we released our pokemon. There was Ash's Frogadier, Hawlucha, Talonflame, Noibat, Clemont's Luxray, Bunnelby, Chespin, Serena's Braixen, Pancham, Eevee, and my Charizard, Gardevoir, two Meowstics, Braixen, and Sylveon got out of their pokeballs, while Dedenne just got out of Bonnie's bag, and Pikachu just got off Ash's shoulder.

I placed the bowls with mini pancakes at the floor so the pokemon could eat. We sat on the chairs of the table.

"Thank you for the food!" we all said as we ate.

We were just eating normally, unlike Ash, stuffing his whole mouth full of pancakes.

"Wow! These are good!" Ash said, still with his mouth full.

"Pika pikachu!" Pikachu blurted out. We saw Ash's team had also have their mouths full. We all laughed.

I leaned to check on my team. Gardevoir, Sylveon, my female Meowstic, and Braixen was with Serena's Braixen and Eevee and Clemont's Dedenne. Charizard and my male Meowstic was with Clemont's Luxray, Chespin and Bunnelby and Serena's Pancham. Charizard, Meowstic, Luxray, and Bunnelby were just watching Chespin and Pancham fighting about food, again.

[DISCONTINUED] Twist Of Fate (Alain X OC)Where stories live. Discover now