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"WOAH! SHE DID THAT!?" Naruto shouted in shock, looking at the huge crater and a destroyed wall. He ran forward looking at the damaged while Mina stood still, lost in thought once again.

Granny Tsunade, never does this much damage unless she's training with someone or is pissed off. She thought, furrowing her brows, maybe she's in trouble. But she can handle herself, right?

"Which way TonTon?" Shizune's question brought Mina back to earth. TonTon started running in a direction that was clearly destroyed by Tsunade's attacks.


Flashy entrances. She loved them, although sometimes they could get on her nerves, she would perform a flashy entrance when she could. The purple smoke cleared faster because of the wind, revealing a man, a woman and two siblings of the same age. They all stood somewhat protectively in front of the light blonde haired woman.

Mina turned her head to look at Tsunade's condition. Her intercostals are damaged. The girl observed and started to walk to Tsunade while Jiraiya talked with the snake looking man, and Naruto talked with four-eyes.

A light green glow of chakra spread across Mina's palms and placed them on the light-brown eyed woman's large chest. Healing her a bit. "I should really start studying Medical Ninjutsu again if you're going to get injured like this, ya know," Mina muttered a small smile playing at her lips.

Tsunade grunted in response not having the energy to respond. Just before the blonde was able to push Mina away from her, the blue-violet eyed girl turned around, "Who's the third person?" She asked gaining confused glances from the people around her. She ignored them and looked straight into the snake-like eyes. His lips curled up into a sickening smirk.

"Oh? Seems like you were the only one able to sense him." He said in a dark, mocking voice, dragging out every 's' sound effectively making him sound like a snake. "Come Daisuke." That was the command given to make a figure form from the soil. The dirt cleared revealing a pale man wearing similar clothes to that of the snake-like sanin. Long, messy, green hair and a forehead protector with the sound symbol on it.

"Outa my way! I can handle them on my own!" Tsunade suddenly shouted, pushing past Mina and the others. Kabuto, the man with a ponytail and glasses, attacked the blonde and that's when the fight between the two continued.

Jiraiya and the snake started to fight each other making Mina cringe back when she saw the man's neck extend. Yep, definitely a snake.

A shiver ran down Mina's spine when she noticed the black eyes that were watching her. "Orochimaru-sama is interested in you. It's my job to bring you to him." The man named Daisuke said in a dull, emotionless voice.

He brought his hand behind his back and sliding out his shiny blade from the casing. Mina, on the other hand, unsealed her katana already out of its casing. Blue-violet eyes met pale grey eyes. No one wanting to blink.

Naruto stared eyes wide when the two suddenly clashed blades and held it there. Mina was pushed back as the man put more pressure on his sword. The three different fights quickly got intense and Mina cursed under her breath when she was brought away from the other two, not failing to notice the light blonde go in shock from seeing the thick red liquid.

"Pay attention to your opponent." The man said seriously going for another attack, but Mina flashed away before he could land the hit.

Standing up straight beside the kunai that was among many that had been thrown. "There are around 100 billion nerves in a human boy, ya know," Mina spoke with an annoyed look on her whiskered face. "And you somehow manage to hit all of them. Seriously you're starting to piss me off!" She shouted in frustration, taking off her jacket and throwing it on the floor to prove her point.

The Demon They All Fear. {NARUTO}Where stories live. Discover now