Chapter 6

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As Dan plays a few of his songs, some new, in the pub the following days, he notices how much Kyle hasn't been there. He's looked out to the people in the crowd to see if he can see Kyle, finally getting over his nerves to see if he was there.

He has never been.

This only struck concern within the young singer. Concern and anxiety for Kyle made him feel queasy as his mind ventured to what could have happened to cause his sudden disappearance. He hopes the man is still in the area- still here.

He doesn't like to think of what his boyfriend could have done. He knows it's a pessimistic thought, but he can't help it, because, let's be realistic, it's always possible.

After the argument with Will, he decided to head back two days later. He was pissed, but he apologised to Will and Will apologised back, and, in silence, they held each other, stopping the spinning world for just a few moments, but it was enough. The feelings between them, the knowledge, was mutual.

No matter what he did, his mind drifted back to Kyle. He wishes he knew what was going off because he worries that he is overthinking it completely. He's frightened that Kyle may have just had a family issue which needed sorting out, even though that would be a much better situation. Maybe his boyfriend is just stressed and overprotective?

Dan knows he shouldn't care this much.

But Dan's thoughts are wrong, anyway. Kyle wishes that Dan knew what was actually going on in a way, so he could help him, tell him that everything would be okay and escape this life so everything will get better. The other half of him wishes that he could just be forgotten about. He isn't important. He isn't worth it. Dan should waste his time on him.

The hurt man looks in the mirror of the dirty bathroom, ignoring the crack through the centre of the glass. He traces his fingers over the black and yellows of his bruises on his swollen skin, playing with it like one would toy with any other bruise, perhaps one with more innocent. There is a trail of blood from his nose and mouth, a slight gash near his eye from where he presumes his boyfriend's ring got him. He couldn't stay conscious after what happened last night, so he hasn't had the chance to wash his face.

God. What the fuck did he ever do to deserve any of this? He was asleep when he was pulled from the windowsill and he crashed to the floor before being beaten half to death. Was he snoring? Was he asked to do something that he ignored? What did he do?

He repeats the question in his head as he timidly presses wet fingers to his face, trying to wipe away the blood, frowning at the way he looks. He hates his face, the way he looks, especially with dried blood, bruises, and scabs covering his face. He looks disgusting- how could anybody ever love him?

"KYLE!" His boyfriend shouts, cutting through all the noise of the flat, shaking the walls and silencing everything, even the rats in the walls. Kyle wonders if the neighbours have heard them- they must have at some point. "Get in here!"

Kyle's stomach drops as if it weighs a thousand tonnes, and his hands begin to shake. If he doesn't go, he knows he will get hurt. But he's terrified.

He repeats the question in his head as he timidly presses his fingers to his face. He hates the way he looks, especially with dried blood, bruises, and scabs on his face. He looks disgusting- how could anyone ever love him?

"KYLE!" His boyfriend yells, cutting through all the noise that the flat creates, shaking the walls and silencing everything. Kyle wonders if the neighbours can hear. "Get in here!"

Kyle's stomach drops as if it weighs a thousand tonnes, and his hands begin to shake. If he doesn't go, he knows he'll get hurt, but he's terrified.

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