Chapter 20

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"Dan, it's three AM. Why are you waking me up?" Kyle yawns, only half awake as he stretches his arm out to wrap it around Dan, stretching his arm out to hold the boy- but instead of the warm, familiar torso he usually feels, the man has a jacket on. "Why are you dressed?"

"You have to get dressed," Dan tells him with a sense of urgency in his voice. "Come on, hurry. We don't have much time." 

"Is it something to do with the label?" The lanky boy rises, sitting up. It's been about two years since they were signed by Virgin Label- Dan had managed to teach Kyle how to play keys, and Will had been dragged into playing the guitar, then Woody joined. Dan had found him at a party and somehow managed to sweet talk him into the band. Virgin Records signed them as soon as they heard them.

"No, no, we just need to move. Come on, I've packed all your stuff- quick, hurry up!" Dan moves across the room and throws a jumper and a pair of jeans at Kyle, the boy quickly shooting up and dressing himself, grunting about something or another.

"What's going on?" He finally questions as he follows Dan out of the bedroom, finding their flat the same as it has been for the last few years since he came here in search of sanctuary. "Dan, tell me." 

"I can't," Dan takes his hand and pulls him out of the flat, locking the door behind them. 

Little does Kyle know, Dan has been awake since midnight packing everything and putting it in their car for their holiday- to America. Just where Kyle has always wanted to go. Everything is in the car, packed and ready for them to go. All Dan needs to do now is actually tell Kyle.

The drive to the airport is long, and Kyle falls asleep multiple times on the way, only to be awoken when he remembers he actually has no idea where they are. 

"Are we at the airport?" He asks as a plane takes off, flying overhead. "Why are we at the airport? Are we meeting someone?" 

Dan parks the car and climbs out, leaving Kyle rambling questions as he follows him to the boot, standing by it impatiently, and as Dan goes to put his hand on the boot to open it, Kyle slams his hand there first. 

"No. Tell me where we're going." He tells Dan, almost glaring at him. "Stop keeping things from me." 

Dan rolls his eyes and pulls out the tickets from the pocket of his hoodie, putting them into Kyle's other hand. "The land of the great, the land of the free. We're going to America, Kyle." 

"Hey, Baby. Come on. Our plane is boarding. We have to go to our gate." The singer tells Kyle as they sit on the uncomfortable, plastic chairs in the airport. Their limbs have gone numb and Dan can't remember how long they have been here. Kyle had drifted to and from sleep at several different points, but right now, he just wants to be on that plane.

Kyle yawns, stretching out his legs. "Hmm? for real this time?" He questions, his sleepy, brown eyes blinking softly.

Dan smiles, "We have to go, the plane is boarding." Dan runs his thumb over Kyle's knuckles and gently twists the golden band on his ring finger as he brings it to his lips to kiss it. "Come one, before we miss it." 

"God, Danny. 'm so excited." He says, letting Dan pull him to his feet. "So, so excited." 

"I know you are, Babe. Now come on, let's go." He says quietly, his hood pulled over his head. He wears his glasses, simply because when he woke up, he realised he needed his contacts... Which were already in his bag, which is now on the plane. "You can sleep on the plane." 

They make their way across the airport and to the gate, Dan dragging Kyle along hand in hand as though he were a sleepy child. Dan has learned over the years that Kyle has a hard time with mornings, but he's slowly getting better. 

Kyle is nothing like he used to be. He's gone back to his old self, back before he met his ex. He's happier, now, young and carefree. If you saw him, you would never even think about the stories that Kyle has. the only telltale signs are the scars that litter his body. 

But he's happy. He loves the way he is, and he loves the life he has. Actually, he received a letter from his ex-boyfriend, but Kyle put it straight in the bin.

"Why are we going to America, Dan?" Kyle finally asks when the plane is in the air, flying away from all the two boys have ever known. They haven't been able to tour America yet, despite their rising success. 

"Because you wanted to, Kyle. I promised that we would, too." Dan tells him, lighting kissing his bearded cheek. "Are you happy, Ky?" 

"Of course I am, Danny. I'm always happy when I'm with you." 

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