Chapter 13

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In the Simmons' household kitchen, Mrs Simmons holds Kyle, wrapping him up in a bear hug. She still holds him like a child even though he is twice her height. Dan just hovers awkwardly by the door, feeling somehow at home yet out of place.

"Is he gone, Ky?" She questions quietly, rubbing her sons back in a comforting manner. She had tried to help him as much as possible, but her son is in his twenties, she can't control what he does anymore. When he came home with bruises, though, she sat down with him. She told him how it was, she told him what his boyfriend was doing to him, and she told him how not okay it was. He listened to her, but he refused to believe her. He told her it was his fault, his problem, his issue to sort out, he told her he was old enough to take care of himself.

He knew he was in the wrong, that his boyfriend was a bit of a cunt, and so did his mum, but after that conversation, he just left. He said goodbye, gave him mum a hug and left. They didn't see each other for a few weeks after that.

The tall man feels like a child right now, but that doesn't bother him. He needs his mum's love and comfort right now, he needs her there to support him.  He sometimes hates himself for not listening to her to begin with- he never would have been in this mess if he had.

"He's gone, Mama," he replies with tears in his eyes, his voice hardly a whisper. They're tears of relief, though, not of remorse, although he cannot deny there is regret there. He regrets ever being in a relationship with the man in the first place. He is free, though. Finally free. "He's finally gone." 

There is silence once more as the mother and son just stand there and hug, holding each other in the kitchen of the family house. This is what Kyle needs right now, though. He needs the calmness after such a violent, long storm. There is a small time of peace before they will be called back to the police station, and Dan wants Kyle to be as happy as possible.

Dan continues to over by the door, just smiling at the scene played out in front of him. He thinks Kyle is amazing- yes, he has been beaten down and damaged, but he is still so strong. He loves him so much and he's so happy that he has a supportive family. At least this way he has somewhere to take refuge.

Mrs Simmons lets Kyle go, turning her attention to the singer by the door. "And who's this, then?" She questions, smiling politely.

"Oh, this is Dan!" Kyle smiles- he feels a little bit uneasy introducing Dan as his boyfriend- then again, are they officially a thing?- especially so quickly considering after everything has happened. "We've been friends for a little while. He's so cool." 

Mrs Simmons had made Dan feel right at home, even offering to cook a meal for the two of them (which Kyle had accepted before Dan could even open his mouth. Then again, Kyle can't remember the last time he ate), and he really began to feel as though he was part of the family. He met Kyle's siblings and his dad, who were all as welcoming as each other.

"Kyle, are you staying the night?" Mrs Simmons asks, appearing at the doorway of Kyle's bedroom, where he and Dan are trying to both balance on the single bed whilst watching TV (Kyle had bought a small one when he moved out so if he spent the night, it would be there for him).

Kyle looks at Dan. "Do you have to go back home?" He asks the other boy, who is pushed up against the wall. He just shakes his head. "Yeah, I guess we could stay here." 

"Okay. It's glad to have you home again, Kyle." Mrs Simmons smiles, her face lighting up. It's taken a heavy weight off of her shoulders. She felt so guilty that she couldn't do annything to get her son out of danger. At points, she genuinely thought she may never see him again. Maybe she should have warned him of the dangers, warned him of what may happen. She feels like she has failed him in some way. "But remember, okay?" 

"What?" Kyle asks, furrowing his eyebrows. She hates the slit in his right eyebrow that he did when he was about fifteen- he had been grounded for weeks.

"Stay safe." 

Kyle lies on his side, one arm around Dan and the other hugging his ribs in fear of hurting them.

"How are you feeling?" Dan asks quietly, not wanting to wake up the rest of the Simmons household. They lie in the dark and just cuddle, but Kyle is being very quiet, too quiet for Dan to notice. "Are you in pain?"

Kyle just shakes his head, his lips gently grazing Dan's neck. "No, I'm just tired." He says, his eyes closed. Dan kisses his forehead. "That's all." 

"Are you sure?" 

Kyle nods. "I'm sure. I took some painkillers earlier. I'm just tired." 

"Okay. You do need to tell me if anything is ever wrong, okay? I won't judge. I love you. I really do." Dan rambles, running his fingers through Kyle's hair. His hand then rests against Kyle's cheek, his thumb running over Kyle's cheek bone.

"I love you too, Dan. I'm thankful for you." Kyle smiles, finally feeling happy. He's finally loving someone who loves him back all the same.

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