Chapter 10

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Kyle knows that this is it. He knows that tonight is his last night on this planet- after this, he will simply be a name that will only be forgotten about. The thought of death used to scare him, but after all of this pain, after all of this suffering, he welcomes it. He welcomes the idea of it.

When his boyfriend first threw him onto the floor, and he felt his heavy fists pounding into his skin, he screamed. He screamed and he cried and he begged for it to stop. He tried to get away at one point, but that only made him receive more bruises.

But he's too tired to make a noise now. He's too tired to even try to do anything. What's the point of fighting it, anyway? It's going to happen, no matter what he does. All he will be doing is prolonging the inevitable. No matter how hard he tries to numb the pain, it's still there. It will always be there.

He lies this way for a while, staring straight ahead of him with eyes that seem lifeless. All the light they held when he was growing up, the ambition, the curiosity, everything that was there has faded, has been ripped away at the hands of his boyfriend.

Kyle looks so lifeless that his boyfriend wonders if he's gone, but he's so angry that he doesn't stop. He doesn't care if he is- how he ever dares to talk to that little fucking freak behind his back, especially after the about of times he has been told not to do so, he doesn't know. He deserves everything he gets, even if that means death.

As the beating continues, blood spilling down Kyle's face, small cuts forming on his body from the rings his boyfriend wears, and the large blossoming bruises forming on his bland, grey skin, the door bursts open, and there is a loud shout from the doorway as Kyle's boyfriend is ripped from him, and Kyle finally, finally gets a break.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks Kyle as the room is suddenly full of life, shouting and chaos filling the air. The voice is somewhat calming as Kyle stands up, his legs shaky and almost failing him. He has to stumble over the counter, with a little bit of support, before he can finally find his words and his own thoughts. "Do you need an ambulance?" 

Kyle shakes his head, covering his face with his hands as everything comes crashing down. His boyfriend is shouting and cursing, the police officers that Kyle has only just been able to recognise, are shouting, and Kyle has an arm wrapped around him. He doesn't even know who it is.

"Here, man. You're okay, we're here now. He can't hurt you," she tells Kyle, rubbing his back, "I think you need an ambulance, though." 

"N-no..." Kyle can only mumble, feeling sicker than ever. How has everything changed so quickly?

His boyfriend is taken into a different room and a medic attends to Kyle- when he got here, he's not sure, but all he knows now is that he's having wipes pressed against his face and there is now a lot of bloodied tissues on the floor. 

"Please let me in!" Someone shouts from the doorway, "Please, I know him. His name is Kyle and- oh for the love of- I CALLED YOU!" 

"Sir, we can't-" 

"Is Dan here?" Kyle asks with alarm in his tone, looking over at the door, which is blocked by a police officer. He just wants Dan to hold him, to tell him that it's okay, that he's safe now. He just wants Dan. But... He can't let Dan see him like this. He's at his worst.

"Kyle, it's me. Please tell them," Dan says, even if he can't see Kyle and Kyle can't see him. He just wants to hold Kyle. 

When he is allowed in, he runs straight to Kyle and wraps him up in his arms, trying not to show his surprise at the whole situation. He knew it was bad, but he didn't realise it was that bad.

"Hey, you're okay now. Look, I'm here," Dan whispers, holding Kyle tightly in his arms. "I'm here, now. You're safe. You can come back to mine and he can't get you and we can be happy." 

Kyle just nuzzled his head into Dan's neck, Dan ignoring the slight dampness from the blood, the tears, everything. All that matters is that Kyle is in his arms, safe, breathing, alive.

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