Chapter 15

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-Hey. You okay?

Dan, we're sitting on the sofa right next to each other.

-I know, but you're being quiet.

-We're watching TV, that's why. 

-I know but you're too quiet. What's on your mind?

-I'm fine, Dan. I'm just thinking.

-Thinking about what?

-Nothing, Dan. I'm fine.


"Dan. Seriously. Stop texting me when we're sat right next to each other. I'll be touching you I move an inch, we'll be touching." Kyle stares a Dan, who just looks back with a sheepish smile on his face. "I'm fine." 

"Okay, listen, I'm not going to sit here and keep bugging you about whatever is on your mind, but I know you're lying. If you wanna talk about it, I am here." 

Kyle wishes he could just talk about it, but that's what his ex had said, that's what he had been told before, and that had only lead to him being yelled at. In a sense, he had been trained to hide what he felt, he had been taught that if he showed his emotions, that would make him feminine and weak. Because of that, he became emotionally confused- he was angry, he was upset, but he dared to show it, he dared to say anything about it. The thought of what happened to him terrifies him.

A breeze blows in through the open window, making the curtain dance. For a moment, there is silence, besides from the general hustle and bustle of London, and the roar of the overground as it rumbles past. 


"I am fine," Kyle grows, anger building in him, but he doesn't show it. "I'm not some little, damaged kid, Dan. I don't need checking on ever five minutes. I'm a grown man." Kyle tells him, "If you... If you want me to get better after all of this, you can't keep asking me if I'm okay all the time, because I'm not okay. I'm not going to be okay every time you ask, and the more you ask, the more I'll lie. Please, just let me be me, and let me start getting better by myself." 

"Hey, Ky," Dan kneels down next to the sofa, where Kyle lies, asleep. He fell asleep about an hour ago after they came back from getting food, and he's been lying there ever since, his long legs hanging half off of the sofa. He has a blanket, which is different patches of eggplant purple and pickle green, draped over him and a cushion tucked under his head. "Hey," 

"Hmm?" Kyle asks, moving his head to look at Dan. His hair is plastered on his forehead because of the way he's been sleeping, with his head resting against the back of the sofa. "Sup?" 

Dan smiles at him, the look of total obliviousness on his face absolutely adorable. "I'm playing at the pub later- people have to pay to get in this time!" He gently runs his fingers through Kyle's messy, dark hair. To Kyle, something feels weird about the situation- there's no pain, no fear, nothing. There is love and there is peace and there is a comfort and it is amazing- Kyle feels overwhelmed. He isn't used to this amount of love.

"What time?" He asks, stretching his limbs out and hearing his joints click. He yawns, but grabs Dan's face and pulls it closer to his own, connecting their lips.

"In about an hour, so if you want to shower to take up. If you don't want to come, that's fine, you can stay here and sleep," Dan tells him, his cheeks slightly pink. 

"I'll come," Kyle yawns again, rubbing his eyes, "You need a haircut," he tells Dan, still lying on the sofa, but facing him this time. 

"I know I do, I just can't be bothered. Besides, I quite like it. I think it makes me stand out." Dan runs his hand through his own hair.

"Oi, did you see fuzzy down the pub the other day?" Kyle mimicks, making Dan laugh. "It's true, you'll have some stupid nickname soon. Quiff man Dan." Kyle roars to life with laughter, throwing his head back which lifts the rest of his body. 

"That's not funny," Dan says, trying to hide the smile on his face. "Come on, I'll get it cut before I play if you hurry up." 

"This is my new song, Flaws, and it's written about, er, someone and everyone," Dan explains awkwardly into the microphone as Kyle sits there, all loved up, nursing a pint of Fosters.  He carries on talking for a few minutes about the lack of CDs and the likes.

"Oi, Kyle," someone says, snapping Kyle's attention towards them. He doesn't know who the man is, but he has a look of sympathy on his face. "Hey, man, listen, I just want to say sorry." 

"Sorry?" Kyle questions after they introduce themselves. "Sorry for what?" 

"For your boyfriend. We all knew what was going on, but none of us said anything." He shrugs carelessly. "Sorry about that." 

"Sorry? All you can fucking say is sorry, now?! Why didn't you say anything at the time, for God's sake? Sorry doesn't mean fuck all after what's happened to me, so shove your apology up your fucking arse." 

Kyle stands up and storms to another table, raging in fury as he did so. Apologies mean nothing when the damage has been done. 

"Alright, stranger?" Someone asks, making Kyle roll his eyes. 

"Fuc-" He turns his head, and realises it's Will sat there, not someone else like he expected. "Oh, hey, Will. What're you doing here?"  

"Figured I'd watch Dan. Not in a creepy way, but we're still good friends, so... Are you alright?" He asks, looking at the man with concern in his eyes. He has a pint of coke in a glass as opposed to alcohol.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Just... I'm fine." He sighs, sitting down. "Don't worry about me." 

Will nods in understanding as Dan begins to sing, although something about the song sounds strange. It's piano based, but Kyle thinks it would sound better with something else in it, too. 

"That was alright, wasn't it?" Will smiles, quite impressed with Dan's talent. "So, you and him, huh?" 

"Oh... Yeah..." Kyle says awkwardly- he doesn't want to rub it in and say oh yeah I love him, because that'd just be weird. "We are. He kinda... He's done a lot for me." 

"I know. I'm not mad, I'm genuinely happy or you." Will smiles, "I knew as soon as he saw you he was head over heels for you. Things weren't working out for us way before you came, so it's no biggie. I just wish the best for you both."

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