Chapter 11

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Kyle kept his head buried in Dan's neck as his boyfriend was forced from their flat, screaming and swearing up a storm and promising to kill the two men as he went, although Dan knows that won't happen- Kyle isn't so convinced. He had feared to look at the man again, to let him see the damage he had caused, the defeat he has made Kyle feel. He refuses to be defeated like that again. This is his turning point, and he'll be damned if he ignores it. 

"We need to talk about tonight," one of the two police officers left tells Kyle. There are only four people left in the room which is a large contrast to the large group that was once there. Dan and Kyle are sat next to each other, and two police officers- a man and a woman- are sat opposite each other. "What happened?" 

What does it look like happened? Dan wants to ask. It's clear what has happened, why does Kyle need to articulate it? Has he not suffered enough? But he decides it's best not to. The two officers look friendly as if Kyle's health and well-being is in their best interest. 

Kyle explains in a stumbling, stuttering voice what had happened, how he had come in and immediately been interrogated by his boyfriend and the consequences followed. He showed them most of his bruises, the scars that were caused by his boyfriend. 

"Was this the first time?" The female officer asks, her tone calm and gentle. There is something motherly about her, but it makes Kyle feel pathetic. He's a grown man who has been beaten down in such a violent way. Aren't men supposed to stand up for himself?

Kyle shakes his head. "He did it most days." He admits, casting his eyes to the ground. Everything about him screams depression and horror, and Dan just wants it all to stop for him. His eyes look dull and hopeless, and what's worse is that he looks like he's given up. "He would question me if I'd been out, asking me where I went, and if I lied about anything at all, he knew. He went to my mum's house to see if I was there. He had full control over me," 

"Did he look through your personal belongings, such as your phone?"

"Yeah. I couldn't save any numbers because of him, I couldn't hide anything. He found it all out. My phone is over there- it probably doesn't work now..." 

"Is this worse than anything he's done before?" 

Kyle just nods. He nods because he can't trust his voice- he was never convinced before that his time was up, that he would die at the hands of the man he once loved, but tonight he truly, truly believed he would. 

The questioning continued as the police officers tried to get as much information as possible. They asked if Kyle had anywhere to stay for the night- Dan had jumped in at this point, telling them that Kyle could stay at his flat. They then just requested that Kyle be at the police station tomorrow so they can take pictures of his abuse and get more evidence when he is less in shock.

Dan took Kyle back to his own flat as Kyle's was taped off by the police. He was surprised to see how much blood was on the floor- they had wanted him to go to the hospital, but Kyle just wouldn't. He wouldn't because he was sick of being hurt, and if anything hurt the next day or was seriously wrong then he would go.

Dan holds Kyle in bed that night, wrapping his tender body up in his arms. "I'm so glad you're here, Ky." He whispers quietly to him, tears in his own eyes. Kyle is cuddling him back. "I'm glad you're safe." 

"I'm glad you saved me," Kyle replied, his voice quiet. Everything hurts and everything is a mess and everything is so unclear, but one thing is crystal clear: Dan is here, Dan loves him, and Dan will keep him safe. 

"I was so scared for you, Kyle. This whole time. I wanted to do something about it but I didn't want to point fingers-" 

"It's fine, Dan." Kyle tells him, feeling Dan plant a kiss on his forehead. They are lying in such a way that Dan has his head resting on top of Kyle's, their chests pressed together and their legs nothing more than a tangled mess. He wears a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of Dan's pyjama bottoms so his bruises aren't on show. Well, the ones on his face are. "I never told you." 

"But I knew, Kyle. We all knew... We just failed you. All of us." Dan sighs, running his hand around the back of Kyle's head. 

"How so?" 

"We knew what was going on. We saw him screaming at you in the pub, we saw how you were that time when we went to that field. It was obvious, yet it took until he was beating you half to death until anyone did anything. I'm talking about me too, man. I knew. I should have stepped in sooner." 

Dan shifts and Kyle moves with him, but draws in a sharp breath in pain. "Watch my ribs," he says, "I think I might actually need to get them checked out..." 

"We'll go in the morning," 


"I love you, Kyle. This is it. It doesn't feel like it, but this is the start to your future. This is beginning of your happiness." Dan tells him, kissing his lips. 

"I love you too, Dan. I can't mean that anymore." 

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