Chapter 14: Birthday Celebration/First Meeting

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"Oh? Haesoo, you're creating a song for Prince Wang Eun? I'm surprised." Prince Wang Wook said with an amused tone. 

"Ah...Well...I haven't finish the song yet though." Haesoo blushes and looked towards the floor; shying away from Prince Wang Wook.

I found it cute about the exchange between the both of them somehow. It was as if there was something going on between them that's unknown to the public. 

Prince Wang Jung invited me to the party in account of Prince Wang Eun and I agreed. I mean, it's not like I could reject if I wanted to...right? 

It was past noon; I was exhausted already from the sudden amount of people to meet and also learning about rules that a Princess should abide in the palace. It's just ridiculous and I wished I was a servant instead. I sat on the chair in my chamber and the thought of Prince Wang Eun's birthday popped up. 

I should get him a gift as well...but what? 

"MiRa, do you have any idea what Prince Wang Eun might like?" I questioned her in an excited manner.

She thought about it for awhile and replied, "Er...not really..." 

"Seriously? You was serving him throughout that one month I was unconscious right? How could you have not known?" 

"Prince Wang Eun was grounded so he wasn't allowed to be out for a month." Wonhee said.

"Grounded?" This was the first time I had heard of it. I didn't know Prince Wang Eun was punished as well considering how he never got into any punishments. I suddenly felt pitiful for him. It must have been hard for someone like him who was able to have anything he wanted.

"Yes...The King was really mad at him for throwing away his royal duties. Having him grounded was quite lenient already. I heard that if a royal abandoned their duties, they might have their status taken away from them." Wonhee continued. 

That's terrible...

"Anyway, why did you ask me about what Prince Wang Eun like? Do you perhaps want to get him a gift for his birthday?" MiRa chimed in.

"What? No way...I was only helping my friend to ask as she wanted to buy a gift for the prince." I made up a lame excuse. 

Both of them snickered, trying really hard to suppress their laughter.

"Oh I see...! I didn't know you had already made friends, your social skills definitely improved." MiRa said it sarcastically. "Well then tell your friend that she could just give him a present that's she skilled at. I'm sure Prince Wang Eun will be happy."

Something I'm skilled at? Hunting?! How could I possibly ask him to go hunting with's not really nice to see blood on a birthday...

And with that disturbing thought, it was finally the day of Prince Wang Eun's birthday. It seemed like the party had already started when I arrived to the venue because the prince was already unwrapping a few gifts.

"A-Yeon, you're here!" Prince Baek Ah smiled at me and hurried me in to join the fun. "You've totally missed out the song Haesoo created for Hyung! It was hilarious!" 

"Prince Baek Ah, you shouldn't tease me like that. I spent a good whole week to come up with that!" Haesoo quickly defended herself, causing the laughters to erupt from the others.

I drew closer to Prince Wang Eun awkwardly as I blessed, "H-happy birthday...Prince Wang Eun." 

The moment our eyes met one another, he quickly looked away as he mumbled a "T-thank you."; while fidgeting with the wrapping paper. 

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