Chapter 19: Dispute

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Over the next few days, I was locked in my room away from all the happenings in the palace. Days I spent thinking of revenge not only towards my mother, but the people who killed my father as well. Scold me for being unfilial and selfish, but I most certainly cannot forgive my mother for not giving me the chance to give father a proper funeral. 

His body probably's rotten good by now.

I was sitting on the chair when the door to my chamber opened. Mother walking in as if she was not guilty for the harm she did to me. At the sight of her appearance, I looked away in disgust as she drew closer. 

"A-Yeon ah." Her pretentious gentle tone made me sick in the stomach as she called my name. "You may not forgive me for locking you up in the room and for not letting you go to your father, but it is all for your own good." 

Furious, I stood up from the chair abruptly and muttered. "All for my own good? You took away my rights and freedom."

"So I did. I apologise." The woman had an apologetic face as she attempted to touch me, hoping I would give in to her. 

"Your apology is not accepted. Neither do the people here. I will find the real culprit on my own and revenge for father. That is that." I declared angrily and attempted to walk out of the room when Court Lady Oh quickly said, "Your father's burial is up in the mountain near your village. You can visit him if you want to." 

At that statement, I turned to face her once again in disbelief. "What? How dare you bury him voluntarily?!" 

"You have no rights to touch my father, what more bury him on my behalf! I will make you pay for what you did! I will make the people pay!" I cried as I stomped out of the room in vexation.

My speed increases as I got further away from that home which I don't belong, and I don't wish to belong. I sprinted across the garden and out of the palace. Rushing anxiously to where the resting place of my father was. 

There, it was nicely buried with his name carved on the wooden plank. Too nice until the fact that the sin which he was killed seemed to be covered as if it never happened. 


My legs gave in and I cradled my father longingly, my tears dripping on to the dry rock as they finally keep my father safe from all dangers. 

Forgive me Father...for not burying you personally...Rest in peace...I promise you I will kill the people who killed you with my own hands and bring them to hell to beg for your forgiveness...

I couldn't bear to leave throughout and the sky was soon to be dark. I was still holding on to him preciously and wouldn't accept reality. 

"Princess Hwa Yeon!" A distant voice called for me and I finally opened my eyes for the first time I was here. 

I looked up to turn to see Soon Deok climbing up from a distance away. 

Why is she here?

"Princess Hwa Yeon, you need to get back to the palace now!" Soon Deok panted as she spoke in a rush.

"I'm not going back there." I said childishly and looked away.

" have to! Please! Prince Wang Eun asked me to get you back in to the palace because Court Lady Oh has fainted!" She confessed and I was astounded for a second; however quick to dismiss that feeling as I ignored her. 

"It's not my problem." I said coldly.

"What? How could it not be? She's your mother." 

"She is not! I only have a father and he's dead! Don't bother me already!" I shouted back at the innocent girl. 

A Tale About A: Forgotten Princess [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now