Chapter 35: Last Chapter

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I sighed deeply as I looked at Queen Yoo who had turned motionless. The sound of the fallen sword directed my gaze towards Prince Wang So.

Tears stained his face. It was full of regret and sorrow but only for that moment before he turned away.

Prince Wang So slowly approached Hae Soo who was rooted to the ground in shock.

He gently caressed her and embraced her into his arms.

"Hae Soo." He deeply called as he stroked her silky hair. "Nobody will hurt you now."

"A-Yeon! Are you alright?!" Prince Wang Eun came by my side in a hurry after returning to his normal state.

"I...I'm fine..." I said softly and stared at him. There was a tinge of sadness in my heart as I knew it was time for us to part again.

For good.


It was the day of the funeral. The sound of the straw sandals frictioned against the ground was the only thing heard throughout the procedure.

The people of Goryeo was exceptionally quiet. Everyone had a blank expression despite their dirty state of appearance. No crying of sorrows heard. Nothing.

Prince Wang So was finally crowned as the new King of Goryeo, King Gwang Jong. No longer a man being criticised and despised because of his horrendous scar. But a confident King who stood upfront as his people bowed under him.

All thanks to Hae Soo.

But amidst this wonderful occasion, I felt utterly confused and disappointed. Anger boiled up inside me as I stood by the side glaring at the new Queen of Goryeo.

Why isn't Hae Soo the new Queen?! After all that, what was King Gwang Jong thinking?

"Stay with me." King Gwang Jong requested as he looked at me. We were having a serious discussion in the court room and he offered me a position to lead his army troops.

"I must reject." I looked up upon King Gwang Jong with determination.

"How dare of you." Queen Daemok commented.


"What's the meaning of that?" Hae Soo questioned in disbelief as we sat in her chamber to speak.

"You wouldn't really leave right? What about Wang Eun?"

What about him?

I kept silent for a few moments.

"We are not meant to be." I said forcefully.

"Don't you want to be his wife?"

That question hit my hard and I controlled my tears which threatened to fall.

"Soon Deok is the only wife for him. How can I replace her?" I was dying to end this conversation.

I have made up my mind to leave the palace. There's no way I could ever stay here when bad memories haunt me.

There was silence between the two of us as we both knew I was right.

"What about you? Why was she the Queen?" I tackled with the question in mind.

"I..." It was Hae Soo's turn to be in an awkward position. "I'm happy just staying by his side."

"Are you a fool?" I scolded angrily.

"Yes. I am." Hae Soo had a bright smile on her face as she said that.



"I could never be the Queen. But as long as I am by his side, I am contented. What more, I won't be here for long."

"What did you say?" I couldn't quite catch the last sentence that she said.

"Don't worry about me! And it's good because Queen Daemok is a royal. She will be more familiar and better in supporting King Gwang Jong than me!"

"The more I don't want to stay here."

I grabbed her hands as I regarded her in a serious demeanor.

"I plan to leave tonight. You have to keep this a secret and promise me you won't tell Prince Wang Eun."

"Princess Hwa Yeon..." She doesn't sound too willing as she pleaded for me to consider.

"You need to promise me. I really can't stay here." My grip on hers tightened as I pleased.

That night, I packed a few valuables that Mother had kept in to my bag before leaving. I stood in the dark corner outside of Prince Wang Eun's chamber.

Memories flooded in as I recalled back to Day 1 when I first entered the palace as a maid.

When I was forced to help him train for the ritual and ended up becoming him instead.

Our first rabbit hunt as his birthday present.

Our big fight.

My heart aches and I couldn't resist in crying even though I kept wiping my tears away.

"Goodbye." I bid my farewell and forced myself to walk away.


The end.

Just kidding!


Several months had passed since I left the palace with a heavy heart. I was back to commoner's life and lived in my old house.

It was in ruins when I returned and painful memories kept haunting me through the night. But I knew somehow, there's always a rainbow after a heavy rain.

I cleaned up the place in hopes that the spirit of Father and Mother would return to our happy home.

Aunt Sunny was super helpful as usual and given me a job in her plantations. Now, I helped with her family business and deals with traders.

It's really hard to buy the animals I hunt I'll tell you! :P

Today was a huge success again as the falcon that I hunted was sold for a good price. Aunt Sunny offered dinner to me and I had just returned home after a sumptuous meal.

I pushed the gates of my house with a happy heart.


"Who are you...?!" I got in to a defense mode when my shoes bumped in to a stranger's.

"You bad girl."

Standing infront of me was in fact Prince Wang Eun. He spoke with the voice I had missed.

Am I dreaming? I must be missing him too much to the fact I was already hallucinating.

"How could you leave without me?!" I was pulled into his tight embrace. The smell of him was welcoming and nostalgic.

"I...I..." I sniffed as I carefully returned his hug.

Please tell me this is all real.

Not expecting anything, Prince Wang Eun releases the hug but pulled me for a kiss instead.

It was desperate and sweet as his lips touches mine gently. Just when we parted and our breaths breathed into one another, I pulled him in again.

"When did you become so bold?" I smiled between kisses as I teared of joy.

"Promise me you'll never leave me again." He insisted and I nodded.

~ And this was the story of the forgotten Princess. If there ever was any.~

The end. (For real)


Thankful to each and everyone of you who had waited patiently for every updates and supported the story throughout.

Do read The Bride of the Water God. :)

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