Arc 2: Ominous Twilight Part 2

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Part 2

Astrid slashed angrily at the troopers. Her red blade cut through them easily, yet the sheer number of them were starting to overwhelm her. They were starting to box her in and Astrid huffed frustrated as she couldn't defend from each side.

"Astrid watch out!" Was suddenly shouted as the trooper who had tried to sneak behind her while she was dealing with the horde up front screamed and fell down, completely immobile.

She recognized that voice and looked on incredulously as Hiccup came running into the fry shooting lightning out of his palm. Heather and Fishlegs were following close behind.

Astrid quickly sent one of the troopers flying into the rest behind him before turning to Hiccup and shouting "WHEN COULD YOU DO THAT?!!"

Hiccup himself looked sheepish as Heather ran past then, avoiding blaster fire expertly, and sending a huge number of the troopers flying into the trees.

"HER TOO?!!" Astrid gaped not believing what was happening. She then turned to Fishlegs who just shrugged before he sent out a shockwave of his own.

"We'll explain later." Hiccup told her as they knocked down troopers one by one.

"We really don't get paid enough for this." He heard one trooper moan to the other next to them before both were flung into the ocean.

"I haven't done this in years!!" Astrid suddenly said as she aimed her blade and redirected their blaster fire.

"Been in combat?" Hiccup questioned as he shot more lightning. "You don't seem rusty at all!!"

"I was talking about beating up Storm troopers!!" Astrid laughed. "It's such a stress relief."

It wasn't long before the two hundred or so troopers were taken care of. Heather had casually knocked out the last one with some hard alien fruit hanging from one of the trees.

Astrid looked at the trio with an accusing glare. "So all three of you are Force-sensitive." She stated as she crossed her arms.

"Well so are you apparently." Hiccup smiled before pointing to her weapon. "So what is that you used?"

This caused Astrid to lift her brow incredulously. "Have you never seen a lightsaber?!"

"Nope, No, Nah" were the answers she got.

"So are you a Jedi then?" Fishlegs asked looking excited.

"No of course not." Astrid deadpanned. "Jedi don't use red lightsabers. Those belong to Dark Force wielders. Now who trained you guys? Those techniques are advanced."

The trio glanced at each other and then nodded. They turned back to Astrid and told her. "The crystals did."

"The crystals?" Astrid asked perplexed while she glanced at her lightsaber. "Like the Kyber crystals being mined on Ilum? Those crystals?"

"They aren't exactly crystals." Heather now tells her. "Those are the forms the Celestials took millennia ago."

"So you're telling me that I have a little Celestial in my lightsaber?!" Astrid now asked incredulously.

"There is a crystal in there?" Fishlegs suddenly spoke up looking very hyper. "What is his or hers name? How did you meet? How does the crystal power it?"

"Whoa whoa!" Astrid said while backing up. "Slow down! I have no idea what you're talking about. I really-"

Astrid however was cut off when there appeared to be movement in the bushes. They were soon confronted with a large number of hissing warriors who had their weapons trained on them.

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