Arc 2: Ominous Twilight part 10

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Part 10

Those in the shuttle were quiet as it was on route to Dagobah. Hiccup sat pensively in a corner. The others didn't know what to make of the re-emergence of Dagur and Camicazi. The silence however was broken when Snotlout spoke up. "AAH, I don't get it! I don't get how they could be alive! My poor brain is hurting!"

"Well...." Tuffnut now commented as he looked questioningly towards Hiccup. "That crazy red haired fellow mentioned that you knew the secret to their immortality Hiccup."

Hiccup nodded as he ran a hand through his already messy hair. "Yes, I know what Dagur and Camicazi did and I know why they needed my armband as well. I just can't believe they did it."

"Hiccup is it really so terrible?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup nodded and then he looked at Fishlegs and Heather. "I know you guys have heard of Force Alchemy. This process is an aspect of it."

Fishlegs, Heather and even Astrid gasped upon hearing that. "Wait what is Force alchemy and why are all of you looking as pale as ghosts?" Snotlout asked confused.

"I've only heard of it in passing and even then the stories were horrible." Astrid commented. "The alchemy was used by the Sith to create monsters."

"To be more precise Force Alchemy is used to permanently alter either a living being or item. Even the Celestials who were versed in genetic modification considered this practice taboo." Fishlegs explained.

"Wait..... What does Force Alchemy have to do with Hiccup's armband?" Eret, who had been quiet so far, asked.

"To answer that you all will need to know about a technique called essence transfer. It was primarily used in ancient times by dark side practitioners to cheat death and to gain immortality." Hiccup explained. The others were listening intently as Hiccup proceeded to tell them of an age long passed.

"Millennia ago Force alchemy was created by ancient and powerful dark practitioners. The essence transfer is a technique they used to prolong their life by literally transferring their spirit into a new vessel, whether it be a living body or inanimate object."

"Wait Hiccup, you all said Dagur and Camicazi looked the same as 25000 years ago. How is that possible if they switched bodies?" Astrid asked perplexed.

Unexpectedly it was Tuffnut who chimed in. "Clones" Everybody looked at him then. "Come on guys think about it. You clone yourself and then transfer your whatchamacallit and bang.... Same appearance."

"I hate to say he's right" Snotlout muttered "but cloning would solve the same appearance problem."

"We're getting a bit off track here." Eret stated as he turned back to Hiccup. "Why did they need that armband? I heard them say it contained their god."

"In a way that thing in the bracelet is a god, or at least can be considered as such." Hiccup said as he pursed his lips. "The essence transfer is an extremely dangerous technique which only powerful force users can survive. The Immortal God-King of Prakith, Andeddu, whose essence was captured in the bracelet by the Celestials was the only one to successfully complete the ritual due to the massive amount of knowledge he had amassed. The ritual Dagur and Camicazi used must not have been complete so now they have to go to the source."

Several groaned at the thought of this guy getting loose. "You told us the threat wasn't immediate Hiccup, but what happens when this thing is freed?"

"I think we'd still have some time. From what I know of the man, he's very reluctant to share information so Dagur will have his hands full." Hiccup told them.

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