Arc 2: Ominous Twilight Part 6

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Part 6

The tension in the shuttle was high as those under Astrid's scrutiny fidgeted. It was then that Mala spoke up. "I guess it is only right that we tell you."

"My Queen!" Throk spoke up wanting to dissuade her.

"Throk they deserve to know." Mala told him sternly. "They saved our lives."

Throk did not look pleased but he did nod to Mala's reasoning. She then looked the twins, Astrid and Hiccup in the eye as she began her tale. "This tale starts well before I was born. Centuries ago Umbara was the site of a Sith academy. There Umbarans learned to use the Force and trained as Sith assassins. Those who were Force sensitive were highly prized in society and given special standing. My family comes from the highest caste, the Rootai, and when it was found out that I could manipulate the Force they were ecstatic."

"So that is why Throk calls you Queen?" Hiccup asked.

Both Mala and Throk nodded. "The Rootai are considered royalty on Umbara but that did not stop them from scheming. In fact it was worse at the top as family members plotted against family members to advance. The Sith academy was long gone but its teachings not forgotten. With the assassination of senator Mee Deechi, Umbara stepped out of the Republic and joined the Separatist Alliance and later the Empire as spies and assassins. My uncle Ossidious was at the forefront of these events after he supposedly disposed of my parents and took over their position."

"Umbarans have the ability to lightly control another individual's will and it is enhanced with the use of the Force. That was the only reason my uncle kept me alive. I was his trump card."

"Oh you poor lady" Hondo tisked. "The man should be ashamed of himself."

"So what happened next?" The twins asked as they leaned forward in their seats. "And where does Hondo fit in?" Astrid also asked.

"Right. I worked under my uncle's strict watch for many years. Manipulating and controlling his opponents. Even as part of the Rootai I was being heavily monitored when I traveled offworld with him. Throk here was the son of one of the servants in our household and he became my friend. However such interaction was forbidden between members of a much lower caste."

"I think I should explain the next part" Throk said as he pursed his lips. "Ossidious did not like me being around his niece but we managed to sneak around. One day while cleaning her father's old office I found the contact information for a smuggler who owed her father a debt."

"And who am I to not repay a debt." Hondo stated. "Although smuggler is a bit harsh. I prefer privateer."

"Oh please. You're a pirate and that's that." Astrid stated while crossing her arms. Hondo grumbled but was promptly ignored.

Throk continued with the story. "I showed the information to Mala and we hatched a plan to leave Umbara and the oppressive hand of her uncle. We met with Hondo and he agreed to smuggle us and those loyal to us off the planet. We were to go last as it would arouse less suspicion."

"Well the guy did seem like a douche." Astrid mumbled more to herself. "Alright say that I believe you. What will you do now? He'll probably put bounties on your heads."

"We've thought of that." Mala interjected. "Those who have already left the planet before us have arranged for a place where we can avoid my uncle."

"I'm taking them to the rendezvous point now and then we can me on our way." Hondo told the others as they came out of hyperspace. Fishlegs and Heather were right behind them and came to a stop just like Hondo's shuttle.

"I don't see anyone." Tuffnut stated as he looked outside.

"They said they would meet us here." Mala said. "Let us wait a bit."

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