Arc 2: Ominous twilight part 9

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Part 9

The group crept silently, or as silently as they could, through the palace. "What is it with crime lords and dark spooky palaces?" Fishlegs whimpered as the snuck past the throne room, still cloaked. The dimly lit chamber housed many raucous individuals who were cheering a dancing green woman.

"She's hot" Snotlout offhandedly commented as Eret dragged him along as he too tried to take a peek. They passed by an alcove which housed some poor soul trapped in carbonite before making their way deeper into the palace. Parts of the palace were not well kept and they passed a few more of those spider droids as they went deeper.

"Those things still creep me out." Eret muttered as he led the way.

"Why?" Hiccup now asked curiously. "I don't know why but I'm sensing something different from some of those spiders."

"You too Hiccup?" Fishlegs whispered as he kept them cloaked. "It's something about those brains they are carrying. It's like they know more about the universe than normal."

Eret lifted a brow before commenting "You're saying that the B'omarr might actually be onto something?! I just thought they were crazy."

"Maybe if you could explain a bit more about these B'omarr." Hiccup suggested as they finally reached their destination. They pushed the heavy doors open to see a large room filled with treasures.

"This....... may take a while.' Eret grumbled as he looked at the pile. "What does this artifact look like?"

"The holocron should be in the shape of a small cylinder." Hiccup explained as they all stepped into the room and closed the door behind them.

"Right, where was I." Eret asked himself as he picked up a random, probably expensive trinket. "The B'omarr order is run by the B'omarr monks. They were the original inhabitants of this palace which was a monastery a few hundred years ago. They now share this place with Jabba as you might have guessed. Most of us just try to stay clear of them. They can be really creepy." At this Eret shuddered. "The brains in the droids we passed are their most enlightened monks. The lower monks revere them."

"But why are they just brains?" Hiccup pondered. "I've never seen anything like this before.

"The B'omarr believe that once a monk becomes enlightened, they must cut themselves off from all physical and emotional sensation to achieve a higher state of being." Eret finished explaining as he let out a frustrated grumble. "This is going to take forever."

"Maybe not" Hiccup pondered as he looked around the giant room.

"What are you thinking Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked curiously.

"These holocrons were made by Sith and Jedi but the underlying technology is Celestial." Hiccup said aloud. "The Celestials installed Force based controls in almost every piece of their technology."

"What are you yapping about?" Snotlout now asked. "So what if they are Force based. What good would that do us?"

Fishlegs who already figured out what Hiccup's idea was smiled. "It means Snotlout is that we don't have to search the entire room."

"We don't?" Now Eret asked as he looked between Hiccup who was now concentrating and Fishlegs who was rolling his eyes at Snotlout.

"Watch" Fishlegs suggested as Hiccup outstretched his hand. Eret let out a little gasp as it felt like a pulsewave had rushed through his body. Some clatter could be heard and several blue and red glowing cubes and pyramids started floating towards them. Some glowing holocrons even had odd shapes but Eret saw none that matched a cylinder.

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