Arc 2: Ominous twilight Part 5

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Part 5

Umbara was indeed a dark world. The green blue planet they had seen during their approach was deceiving. Perpetual twilight claimed the planet below the thick clouds as Fishlegs landed the shuttle outside of the Umbaran capital city where a soft green beam of light shot skywards illuminating the city skyline.

The doors to the shuttle opened and the group stepped out. "So where are we meeting this pirate?" Hiccup asked as Astrid checked the information again.

"It says he'll meet us in a bar called 'The Smoking tentacle'." Astrid read aloud. "Weird name" She then mumbled.

"Heather, Fishlegs. Can you two guard the ship while the twins, Astrid and I head to this bar?"

"Sure thing Hiccup." Heather said as Fishlegs nodded.

The others then grabbed their packs and began their trek into the city. Cold wind blew past them causing Astrid to shiver. Hiccup stopped when he saw this and quickly took off his outer robe and draped it over her shoulders.

"Hiccup you didn't have to." Astrid mumbled as her cheeks heated from the gesture.

"But I wanted to milady."

"Milady?" She asked while giggling.

"Ehhh......uhmmm..... Yes" Now it was Hiccup's turn to blush as he mumbled.

"So when are you going to actually make a move on the guy?" Stormfly asked suddenly and so only Astrid could hear. This however made her falter in her step and nearly stumbled. Ruffnut looked at her curiously but she merely waved it off.

"Stormfly please. You can't say stuff like that." Astrid mumbled back causing the blue haired woman to snort.

"Why not?" Stormfly asked. "You like him. I'm sure he likes you and his companion is pretty handsome as well."

Astrid quirked an eyebrow. She had briefly spoken to the other Celestials when she introduced Stormfly so she had an idea of what they looked like. "Oh you like Toothless don't you?" She teased.

Stormfly however did not get that Astrid was teasing and answered honestly. "Of course I like him. I don't see how you humans have ever managed to procreate as a species when you can't even tell the person you like that you fancy them."

"Stormfly! It's not that simple." Astrid tried to explain.

"Of course it is." Stormfly replied. "Just march up to him, kiss any coherent thought out of his brain and tell him you like him. Although you kissing him might already be a big enough clue."

"And what if he doesn't like me back?" Astrid asked.

"Then you move on. That's what we Celestials did." Stormfly suggested. She then softened when she saw Astrid's hesitance. "Look my young apprentice. I know you've been hurt before but you can't live your life in fear, thinking what if."

"I.......I'm not afraid." Astrid swallowed as she mentally glared at the woman. "I'll tell him after settling business here."

"Yes and meanwhile I'll be making my advances on a certain black scaled Draconian."

"I did not need to know that Stormfly." Astrid muttered as she saw that they reached the city limits. Stormfly let out a chortle before going back to doing whatever Celestials did inside their crystals.

Astrid took out the holographic map and then pointed east. "The bar is in that direction." She said as the group began walking through the dark foggy streets. The Umbarans, wearing atmospheric helmets and voluptuous cloaks, paid them little to no attention as they made their way to their destination.

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