Arc 2: Ominous Twilight Part 4

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  AN: hello everyone!! So new chapter Yeay!!!! This one is a little shorter than I had planned but school has been wearing me out. Just 3 weeks to go and I'll be free. Not to worry. There is action to come and the following chapters will hold something special. XD I hope you guys are liking this so far.  

Part 4

Hiccup had been flying for almost thirty minutes now when he approached the coordinates that Fishlegs had given him. "Looks like we're here bud." he told Toothless who promptly started sulking as they needed to land.

"We really need to fly more." Toothless mentally told him. "I forgot how great this feels."

"Sure bud" Hiccup agreed as his feet made contact with the earth. He looked at his surroundings and noted it to be a desert landscape.

"Nothing like a deserted wasteland to purify a crystal." Toothless hummed as Hiccup went to work.

Hiccup sat cross-legged on the ground as the wind whipped his black robe and some dust around. He levitated the red kyber crystal in front of him. "Ready Toothless?"

"You know it" Toothless responded as they began to meditate.

The little red crystal glowed ominously. The glow was intensifying by the second as Hiccup and Toothless tried to make contact with the Celestial inside. They got through eventually and landed in a red desolate landscape. There stood a spire not too far away and Hiccup could make out an individual chained to it.

Toothless stood next to Hiccup in his draconian form and looked at the surroundings. "Talk about depressing" He mumbled as they started walking to the spire.

Once there Hiccup got a closer look. Chains wrapped along the spire trapping an unconcious woman to it. Both he and Toothless set to work on releasing her. Hiccup didn't know how much time had already past but they had finally gotten the woman down. There was a low moan before the eyes of the woman fluttered open.

Meanwhile outside of the crystal a pair of eyes watched Hiccup meditate as the glow of the crystal continued intensifying. What was once a small glowing red light had turned into a blazing inferno shooting up into the sky and lashing out at its surroundings. The desert was bathed in red as Hiccup and Toothless continued purifying the crystal. Another hour or so passes before the angry red light turns a soft calming white. Hiccup then opened his eyes and smiled as the now white crystal floated in front of him. He did not notice the shadow creeping up to him as the crystal fell into his palm.

"I knew it" Came from behind Hiccup who whirled around and stared down the barrel of a blaster.

"Mildew" Was all Hiccup said as he glared at the old man. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I knew you were a miserable Jedi ya toothpick." Mildew growled as he kept the blaster trained on Hiccup. "That's why I put a tracker on ya."

"So you working for the Empire Mildew?" Hiccup asked not even worried about the blaster aimed at his forehead.

"Ha! Why would I work for those lowlives?!!" Mildew muttered.

"Well then..." Hiccup simply said before using the Force to yank the blaster out of Mildew's hand and pin him to the ground.

"Newsflash Mildew. I'm no Jedi." Hiccup stated as he sat near the pinned down man.

"You're a Force-wielder so you have to be a Jedi. Why else would you and your friends hide?" Mildew grumbled. "And don't you deny it! I can tell when someone is hiding something."

"Being a Force-wielder doesn't necessarily make you a Jedi. But you should know that since you are mildly Force-sensitive." Hiccup concluded. "Now how about you tell me why you hate Jedi so much."

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