Arc 2: Ominous Twilight

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Part 12

Silence reigned after Hiccup's outburst of befuddlement. The group looked at their opponent in astonishment. Camicazi and Dagur were clearly gloating as they watched the scene unfold.

"Hiccup do you have an evil twin we didn't know about?" Ruffnut asked as she still held her blaster trained on their opponent.

"No I don't!!" Hiccup said more forcefully than he had intended.

"Are you sure?" Tuffnut added.

"He must be a clone." Fishlegs spoke up. "But how did they get Hiccup's DNA?"

"We can worry about that later." Hiccup told them as he readied his lightsaber. "First we have to stop this machine. The startup should be almost finished."

"Are you done talking now?" Darth Draconis' monotone voice cut across the room. He lifted one of his sabers at the group. "I wish to finish this swiftly."

This time it was he who charged at them. The twins were knocked against Eret while Astrid was sent hurdling into Hiccup. Hiccup saw the strike coming but he couldn't move with Astrid on top of him. The red saber came down only to be stopped by the shield that Fishlegs generated around Hiccup and Astrid.

"Leave my friends alone!" Fishlegs shouted before putting all his power into a Force push which sent Darth Draconis careening to the other side of the room.

Standing up slowly, Darth Draconis spoke in a gravelly tone. "Leave this room, or you will perish."

They heard Dagur mutter, "Oh just let them perish already."

"Why don't you get off your behind and do some of the work then." Draconis muttered as he passed his colleague and made his way back to his opponents. He ignited the twin red blades, holding the lightsabers behind his back.

Hiccup stepped out of Fishlegs' shield, and he turned his head towards Eret and Astrid. "Find a way to shut off the machine. destroy it if necessary." They nodded, and he turned back towards Darth Draconis, who was already near their position. Hiccup quickly parried the strike that came and shouted. "All of you go now! I'll deal with this!"

Draconis launched pointed attacks to try and overwhelm Hiccup. Left. Down. Up. Right. Across. Right. Left. The blades followed each other's paths and Hiccup was forced on the defense. He was being driven back and Toothless growled mentally at Hiccup from within his purple saber.

"Hiccup beat his ass already!!"

"Toothless language!" Hiccup admonished as he kicked Draconis in the stomach before going onto the offensive. Toothless began channeling more of his own energy into the lightsaber. Hiccup's blade glowed a vibrant violet as he gave as good as he got. Their sabers clashed in a flurry of strikes with neither backing down.

Meanwhile as Hiccup was battling Draconis on what seemed to be an even playing field, Astrid and the others made their way towards Dagur and Camicazi who seemed to be enthralled by the pure display of power and mastery of the Force.

"So, if Draconis is Hiccup... and Hiccup is Draconis... they should cancel each other out, right?" Dagur commented offhandedly as he and Camicazi watched the fight. He let out a yelp when he was suddenly tackled by Fishlegs.

"Are you that foolish to not sense the big oaf!" Camicazi hissed as she ignited her saber and quickly parried a slash from Astrid who had charged at her from behind.

Eret and the twins could do nothing now as three fast paced lightsaber duels had erupted. They made for Drago only for the burly man to turn around slightly and grab them in a Force choke.

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