Arc 2: Ominous Twilight part 8

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Hiccup winced at the noise level. "Guys settle down please."

"You can't possibly be sane!" Snotlout now shouted. "You want to steal something from Jabba the Hutt! Eret tell him he's insane!"

Eret who had been leaning against the hull hummed. "Well, theoretically it isn't impossible to sneak into Jabba's palace."

"Wait you're not actually agreeing with him!" Snotlout frantically waved his arms about.

"Relax Snot" Eret mumbled "I said that it was theoretically possible. The problem would be getting past Jabba's Gamorrean guards."

"Well Gamorreans aren't very smart. A primitive race who didn't find star travel on their own." Astrid stated. "Using a mind trick on them should be easy."

"Jabba employed much more guards after this holocron was stolen." Eret stated as he held up the blue cube. "What are you going to do? Use a mind trick on them all?" Was asked in jest.

Astrid pursed her lips while Hiccup looked at Fishlegs. "Fish would it be possible for you to do it?"

"I can cloak our presence for a while. We'll have to avoid areas with sensors though." Fishlegs answered. A snort came from Snotlout then.

"You do know I was joking right." Eret mumbled as he couldn't believe they were considering this.

"Don't you guys worry" Hiccup told the others. "Fishlegs' specialty are the mind arts." He then looked at the two bounty hunters. "We'll just need you two to get us into the compound."

"Why should we help you?" Snotlout now asked as he huffed.

"Maybe because they are giving us a ride after you crashed our ship." Eret muttered while giving Snotlout a head slap.

"Right" Snotlout grumbled.

"Now before we go into details on that." Astrid suddenly said as she fixed her gaze on Hiccup. "I think it's time we hear the full story of what you guys are trying to prevent."

"Alright" Hiccup agreed as he motioned for all of them to sit. "This will be a rather long story. It takes place aeons before any of us were born. Before any civilisation evolved enough to have space travel."

The group listened attentively as Hiccup told a forgotten history. Even the twins sat quietly and leaned in. "The Celestials as we know them also go by the name of Draconians. Their story starts when they received that name for they weren't the original inhabitants of this galaxy."

"Wait what?" Snotlout mumbled confused.

"The Draconians came from a galaxy not so different from ours but where life had evolved much earlier and technology had reached a peak. The planet on which they first evolved was named Earth. They colonized their galaxy. But those living on the colonies were treated as third class citizens by those living on Earth. Wars, spanning centuries, erupted between the colonies and Earth until finally the Earth won. The colonists who opposed their new regime were taken prisoner and genetically modified for slave labor."

Gasps rang around the room as Hiccup continued. "Those modifications resulted in a sub-species known as the Draconians. One of the modifications increased their lifespan significantly and they suffered far more as slaves. Then came the uprising. The Draconians rebelled and they escaped by commandeering starships and charting a course to a galaxy far far away from their oppressors."

"So that is how they came to be here?" Astrid asked as Hiccup nodded.

"They exited hyperspace in the Unknown regions and finally came across Ilum, which then was a tropical paradise. They had finally found a home and they started shaping this galaxy in their image."

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