Arc 2: Ominous Twilight part 11

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Part 11

Hiccup grumbled in his seat behind the wheel of the shuttle as they made their way towards their next destination. Snotlout and Tuffnut couldn't stop bickering about that damn animal that Tuffnut had picked up in the Dark cave. He still regretted letting Tuffnut keep it.

"Hiccup don't go jettisoning that poor Bogwing into space." Astrid told him as she saw the frustration on his face.

"It's not Chicken I will jettison." Hiccup grumbled. "It's Snotlout."

"AAH! that damn thing bit me!!" He heard Snotlout shout before turning around and shouting back "Snotlout leave the reptavian alone!! Tuffnut keep that thing in check!"

"Chicken wouldn't hurt a soul." Tuffnut protested as he cuddled the bogwing who let out a croon. "Isn't that right snookum ookums!"

"That's it. My brother has officially lost it." Ruffnut stated, clearly not liking the animal as well since they met it when according to Tuffnut, 'It thought my sister's hair was a nest'.

"Did he have it in the first place?" Heather asked from her seat which earned her an indigent squawk from the bogwing.

"So what now that we got this?" Eret asked while pointing to the cylindrical holocron that Fishlegs was examining. "I know we're heading to the location of the Beacon but how is that going to stop it?"

"Yeah, does it have some secret code recorded on it?" Ruffnut now asked.

"No it doesn't." Heather answered. "The Beacon can be used by any Force sensitive. This holocron is actually completely empty." She stated as she took the cylindrical object. Heather focused the Force into the holocron causing it to open and form a helix, much like a DNA chain. "This holocron is the key to initiating a permanent failsafe shutdown of the Beacon. The device will be totally inoperable from that point on."

"So why didn't the Celestials do that in the first place?" Astrid now asked. "It would have prevented this from happening."

"Hope" Hiccup answered. "They were hoping that they could one day use it again to save more of their kin from oppression."

"It's sad when you think about it." Ruffnut mumbled. The others nodded in agreement.

"We'll be coming out of hyperspace soon." Hiccup announced after a while. "Guys, this would probably be your last chance in turning back." He told them. "I don't know what dangers we'll fac-HUMPF" Hiccup was cut off when Astrid sealed her lips over his. The others in the shuttle loudly laughed and catcalled.

Astrid pulled away to see a slightly dazed and blushing Hiccup. She then proceeded to punch him in the arm. "I told you before. We aren't going anywhere. Now either you accept that or I'll have the twins glue you to the ceiling." Hiccup held his hands up in surrender. He guessed that he wouldn't argue about it anymore. Astrid's eyes shone with mirth and he had no doubt that she would go through with her threat.

"Alright alright." He quickly said much to the disappointment of the twins who had already been plotting. The shuttle soon came out of hyperspace and they all crowded around the cockpit to see the sight before them.

"Welcome to the Valtaulu Rift. The most colorful anomaly of the Unknown regions." Hiccup stated dramatically while gesturing to the strange cosmic anomaly before them. Nebula dust of all colors swirled around the rift like aurora curtains. The rift itself held no light and seemed like an endless chasm stretching across the void of space. It really made it a sight to see.

"So are we going to that planet nearby?" Astrid asked as she watched the starmap but frowned as it began showing static.

"No we are heading to the Celestial space station where the Beacon is located." Heather answered and pointed to a part of the starmap that appeared empty.

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