thrëë ; seokjin

477 12 0

I haven't been sleeping very well, I stay in bed so that Nanhee thinks I'm sleeping but I'm really not. When I do it's for about five minutes because I wake up from a nightmare.

Nanhee tried to get them to get rid of me and just take her but I'm not letting them take her and only her. I've had a rough past but I'm going to become better, stronger.

There's nothing really to do since we're just stuck in a room all day, Jeongguk comes in to talk to us every once in a while but not for long.

We get bored stuck in a small dark room, so I just take showers and sing, I've been starting to work out too, it's what I do when I'm bored.

"Hyungs! You're home!" I hear upstairs.

My breathing becomes uneven but I stay still so Nanhee thinks I'm sleeping, "Hello, Jeongguk."

"I have something for you guys." I can hear the happiness in his voice.

"What? Seriously? Did you spend all our money again?" Another voice asks.

"Aniyo hyung. They're downstairs."

"So there is multiple?" They start to walk downstairs.

I hear the door open so I pull the covers up more so only my eyes and forehead show.

The door then slams and I jump.

"YOU KIDNAPPED GIRLS?" One screams loudly.

"Yes, for us to sell, they could be sold for good money!" Jeongguk says back.

"Are you fucking crazy, Jeongguk? We don't kidnap people unless we're all on board with it, we don't know these girls, we don't know-"

"I do, hyung. All the information is in the living room, in the files." Jeongguk says.

"Wait, are these girls in the video you sent?" One asks.

He took videos of us? And sent them to one of his hyungs? Was this when he said "look who's awake?"

"Want to talk to one of them? Ones awake." Jeongguk says.

The the door opens again.

They think I'm sleeping too, I'm laying on my stomach so I open my eyes just a little, It's blurry from the hair in front of my face but I see seven figures standing at the end of Nanhee's bed.

They think I'm sleeping too, I'm laying on my stomach so I open my eyes just a little, It's blurry from the hair in front of my face but I see seven figures standing at the end of Nanhee's bed

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(this is the picture of what they look like in the book, this era is what hayden and i picture them as)

"Who is this?"

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