six ; the deal

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I wake up to a pillow being thrown at my face, I scream and fall on the ground, my hair is a mess and I'm glaring at Chae.

"Time for food." She smirks.

She's so dead. I slowly fix my hair while I stand up.

"I'm going to kill you!" I yell, she screams and runs down the hall, I chase her into a room with other people.

I run into the room but I don't see her.

"Where is she?" I ask, I see her look out from behind Jeongguk.

"Mianhae! Mianhae Mimi!" She yells, she then gets picked up.

"Get her!" Jeongguk laughs and I attack her with a pillow.

Ha! Jeongguk is on my side!

"Ani, please!" She laughs throwing her body every which way.

"STOP!" Jeongguk drops her, I quickly drop the pillow and turn around.

Us three stand up, our hands behind our back bowing to the one who yelled, "It's too fucking early for some goddamned horse play."

I look up and see the boy with black hair, glaring at us. He has a babyface, but his facial features are sharp. He looks like the guy who was talking to the blonde haired guy.. I still don't know his name.

"Sit, eat." Us three sit down and start to eat some food, smiling at how good it tastes.

"So here's the deal. You do what we want, or we kill you." Namjoon says out of nowhere and bluntly.

Nanhee chokes on her food, and I pat her back, "That's out of nowhere."

"Yeah, but it's going to happen. Or you die." The one with the black hair shoves food into his mouth.

"Yoongi-hyung is right," Hoseok shrugs, "It's how shit is done here. You do what we want, or you have to watch each other die."

I look around the table, I see Taehyung, Jeongguk, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and now Yoongi, but the guy with the blonde hair is still a mystery.

He looks up at me and I quickly look away from him.

"What do you want us to do?" I ask pretending I wasn't staring.

"Work out really. Jimin will train you. Eat, workout, stay in your room, basically it." Seokjin points to the blonde.. Jimin.

"We can do that. It's not that hard." I nod and eat my food.

I can't help but wonder what the kids at the orphanage are doing, do they miss us? Do they even realize we're gone?

We all have small talk.. kind of.. Yoongi wanted it quiet but me managed a little talk.

Nanhee spaced out so I just leave her alone, I get up and go change into leggings and I grab a white loose t-shirt to change into.

I slowly slip it over my head.

"Mijin.." I quickly pull my shirt down the rest of my body and turn around wide eyed.

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