sëvën ; take a shot

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"Are you going to sit like that all day too?" I turn my gaze from the blank wall over to Taehyung who's sitting on Nanhee's bed.

"Have you been here all night?" I ask, he nods his head.

"I came in after Jimin left and you haven't moved your eyes from the wall, you've hardly blinked."

"Well it's hard staying in a place that often reminds you of your past." I sigh and look at the wall again.

"Your past?" He asks moving over to my bed.

"Don't you know everything?" I turn my gaze to him again and he shakes his head.

"Only when you went into the orphanage."

"Oh, I'm not telling you so don't get your hopes up."

He sighs and stand up.  "Well let's go work out or something."

I nod and get out of bed, we walk out of my room and no ones awake yet, we walk into the workout room.

We walk in the room and I go straight to the boxing bag, I don't put anything on my hands, I start kicking and punching it.

"Yah! You're going to hurt yourself!" He grabs my leg in midair.

"So?" I punch it again.

"Stop! You can't be all bruised and stuff before being traded! You have to look perfect and be in perfect condition!" He grabs both my wrists.

I try to push him off but it doesn't work.

"What's going on in here?" We both turn to the door, Taehyung doesn't let go of me.

"She won't stop." I try to push him off again but it doesn't work... again.

"She needs to go eat." Taehyung let's go of me.

"I don't want to." I punch it again then Taehyung stands in front of it.

"I will punch you." I say blankly.

"And I'll punch you back." He gives a sarcastic smile and I roll my eyes.

"Breakfast is ready, let's go." Yoongi says still standing in the door way.

"I said I'm not eating." I cross my arms over my chest.

"If you don't eat you become weak, if you become weak you can't do anything, if you can't do anything you die." I stare at Yoongi with a blank face.

"Why are you being so difficult, you used to listen and I always thought 'oh she must not be so bad' and actually liked you better than all the other people we've taken." Yoongi says.

"I don't think you putting a gun to my head is you liking me."

"Just bring her downstairs." Yoongi says to Taehyung.

He nods and I get grabbed by the collar of my shirt.

"You really know how to piss people off lately." He drags me out of the workout room and pushes me to the table.

I run into it and everything shakes, I slowly look up and see Namjoon and Hoseok just staring at me.

"Uh.. mianhae." I sit in a seat away from everyone and slowly eat my food.

How do I get out of here? What is Nanhee hiding? A ton of questions fill my head.  I shake them out and continue eating.

When I finish eating I leave the room without saying a word, I ignore everyone today and just read in my room.


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