ëight ; what i do best

332 8 3

I get dressed into an oversized white thrasher shirt and put on tight black shiny shorts under it.  Sometimes I tie it up sometimes I keep it long.

I suddenly think about the room with all the guns, maybe I can show Nana I kinda know how to use one.

"Nana! Wake up! Wake up!" I yell shaking her.

"What? What? I'm up! I'm up!" She pushes me off of her and I land on the ground.

"I have to show you something!" I hope of the ground and pull her arm pulling her out of bed.

"Can I at least make myself presentable?" She asks as I open the door.

"Fine.. hurry up." She nods her head and goes into the bathroom with clothes, she comes out 5 minutes later.

"Okay let's go!" I grab her hand and we sneak around hiding from people who pass us. I take her into a room kind of like the room we went into when we ran from Jeongguk but it's much bigger, it's the room Jimin brought me to yesterday with all the guns.

"Lookie!" I say picking up a gun.

"Woah! Put that down!" She yells taking it.

"It's fine, Jimin showed me how to use it.. Im not the best but I hit a can!" I say grabbing it back from her.

"Why would Jimin teach you how to use a gun?" She asks.

"I thought it was just part of training." I shrug.

"We won't be able to get a gun when we're traded..." She gives a weird look.

"Anyways... Look." I cock the gun and her eyes widen.

The door then opens and Yoongi appears.

"Why are you in here?" He asks through gritted teeth. I smile planning to pull the trick on him that Jimin pulled on me.

I aim the gun at his foot.

"What? are you going to shoot me?" He asks, Nanhee stares at me with wide eyes. I pull the trigger and an actual bullet comes out, he shouts and falls to the ground.

My eyes widen and I drop the gun. Nanhee catches him before he hits the ground.

"It wasn't supposed to actually shoot!" I yell running to him.

"You have to make sure there are no bullets!" He yells, soon the other boys are all around us, they take Yoongi.

Me and Nanhee sit on the end our or beds with our hands folded in our lap staring at the ground.

"Why did you shoot him?" Hoseok asks.

"I didn't mean to, Jimin-" I get cut off.

"Jimin is a bad role model, why were you guy using guns?"

"I thought it was jut part of training." I say softly, I peak at Nanhee out of the corner of my eye and see her speaking with Taehyung.

Did I get her in trouble too?

Then someone barged into the room causing me to jump. It's Jimin.

"You both won't tell us why you did it. So we're going to run until you tell us." I look down at my hands in my lap.

"W-what? I told you guys, she didn't check the gun, and honestly you should've taught her that shit when you taught her to shoot. You should've taught her what to do with the gun, before you shoot. Not the act of shooting." It was just a joke and I tried to do it but I was too stupid to actually check the gun first and now they're blaming it on Jimin.

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