twënty: its all over

236 7 2

Jeongguk and I run around looking for the others, we split up and I'm heading to my room.

"Jimin?! Hoseok?!" I call out wandering around.

I walk into my room and find Jimin.

"Jimin, what did you do?" I ask walking into the room.

His face is bleeding and he has bloody knuckles.


"What did you do?" I whisper eyes watering, covering my hand with my mouth.

"Mimi I'm so sorry." He whispers, starting to cry too.

I then see Hoseok, bloody face and knuckles just like Jimin.

"Run." He whispers to me on his way out of the room.

"Baby?" He says walking up to me, I go over to him and put my hands on his face.

"Did they attack you?" I ask, "I'll beat the shit out of them. I swear if they touch you one mo-"

"Mijin!" He shouts making me be quiet.

"I need to talk to you about something." He says quietly.

"Talk later, survive and escape now." I grab his hand and lead him out of the house, the light hits my eyes as I open the door, my eyes adjust to the brightness and I notice men standing all around us.

"Good work Jimin." Nanhee's dad says.

I quickly turn to Jimin, I let go of his hand and take a step back from him.

"You're one of them?" I whisper.

"Baby I tried to tell you-" I stick my hand up cutting him off.

"Don't call me that."

"You can stay alive though, you can come with us." He smiles and holds out his hand.

"I'm not turning my back on my best friend." I shake my head.

He slowly walks up to me and hugs me.

"Please?" He whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry, I just cant." I shake my head hugging him back.  I hear a loud bang making my eyes go wide, I feel Jimin become heavier in my arms.

"J-Jimin?" I ask shaking him.

He weakly stand up and cups my face.

"I love you." He says and kisses me, it takes me by surprise but I kiss back, only for a second.

He pulls away from me and gives me a weak smile before falling to the ground.

"Jimin!" I yell catching him so he doesn't hit hard, "I didn't get to say it back!" I yell crying into his chest, "I love you, I love you so much." I jump at the sound of more guns firing. 

I quickly run and duck behind a car.

I'm not sure where Hoseok or Jeongguk are, they either got away or dead like Taehyung and Jimin.

The shooting stops and I peek from behind the car, they all start walking up to me so I decide to make a run for it, I run all the way down out to the road.

"Get her!" I hear someone yell behind me, I hear a car start and make my feet carry me faster.

I come up to a car coming my way screaming for help.  The car stops and Jin pokes his head out of the window.

"Mijin? What's wrong?" He asks.

"Mijin! I remember you!" Nanhee yells with a smile from behind Jin rolling her window down.

"That's great Nanhee." I give her a sincere smile, "But we need to leave, go far away."

"What? Why?" Nanhee asks, I open the door to get up, but as soon as I open the door I hear a loud horn, I turn towards the sound and see a truck coming at me full speed.  Before I have time to react I feel a sharp pain throughout my whole body as the truck hits me.

I hear Nanhee scream.

The truck stand on its breaks throwing me at a tree, I fall to the ground and roll onto my back, I feel a big gash in my side, I put my hand on it and bring it up looking at the blood.

"Shit." I whisper.

I lay there gasping for air and I hear muffled sounds.

"I'm sorry he found us Nanhee, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him." I say before the truck hits me again and everything goes black.


3rd person

"V-fib! Doctor we've got a V-fib!" The intern yells.

"Push one epi! Paddles!" The doctor yells, the nurse hands him the paddles, he lays them on the chest of his patient. "Charge to 200! Clear!"

It shocks the patient throwing their body up, but no response. "Charge 300! Clear!"

The patient shoots up looking around.

"Where am I? What's going on? Am I dead?"

"Don't worry miss, you're fine. You are in a hospital right now." The doctor reassures her.

They start to push her downs to lay down again, "T-T-"

"You're friend is getting sewn up right now." The intern tells her as she starts getting pushed in her bed.


"He has a very large bullet hole on his side, he's lucky it's not deep." She just nods in response.

"We got you into a CT scan and noticed that you had a lot of internal bleeding, but we fixed that for you so you should be discharged in a week or so." They enter the elevator and start to go up.


I lift up my gown and look down, there's a scar on my stomach.

"You cut me open? Don't you need permission?" I ask looking back up at the slightly attractive intern, I can tell he's an intern by the color of his scrubs.

"We did what we had to do to save your life." He says as he pushes me out of the elevator and down the hall.

We finally get to my room and I get set up to everything I need.

The intern leaves, a few seconds later my door flies open and someone runs in hugging me.

I hug the person back and pull away from them seeing Taehyung.

"What are we going to do?" He asks.

"We're going to find them, it will be a lot of work but we'll do it." I say and he nods giving me a small smile.

"I know some people." He says sitting on the end of the hospital bed.

"Help!" W wheat someone scream from outside the room.

"I need help!" The make voice yells again.

Taehyung and I quickly look at each other, "I recognize that voice anywhere." He says standing up, I take all the IV's out of my arm and stand up, we both run out of the room and see someone holding onto the wall with blood everywhere. He loses balance and falls to his hands and knees as doctors and nurses are running to him.

I walk over to where he is.

"Miss, you should be in bed." A nurse says and grabs my shoulder.

I hit her arm off and bend down so I'm closer to the person calling for help.

He slowly looks up at my and my eyes widen.


oh shit THEY'RE NOT DEAD Y'ALL got ya..
or maybe not
- hayden

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